Education establishments in the region with total employment 20 and over went down to 82 establishments from 87 establishments in 2016. This was a decrease by 5.7 percent from a year ago with few establishments downgrading to less employment size.
Number of businesses in the region with total employment 20 and over decreased to 373 establishments from 414 establishments in 2016. This indicated the downgrading of some businesses in terms of number of workers.
The 2018 List of Establishments (LE) recorded a total of 20,466 establishments in CAR. This comprised to 2.0 percent of the country’s total number of establishments. Most of the establishments in CAR, about 88.4 percent, were engaged in services, 11…
Workers engaged in the wholesale and retail trade* (WRT) activities registered to total employment of 501,695 in 8,589 establishments in the country. This was an increase of 8.5 percent from the employment of 462,553 in 2015 from 8,332 businesses in…
The List of Establishments (LE) is a register of businesses operating in the country. The LE provides statistics on the number of establishments (old and new) and the basic characteristics of businesses useful in the economic planning and decision-…
The Updating of List of Establishments (ULE) provides a reliable directory of businesses used a statistical frame for PSA’s establishment surveys. It also provides statistics on basic characteristics of businesses useful in economic planning and…
The List of Establishments (LE) is a database of all establishments in the Philippines undertaken by the Philippine Statistics Authority which aims to primarily provide a sampling frame for the census and survey of establishments in the region. It…