The 2018 Census of Philippine Business and Industry (CBPI) is one of the designated statistical activities undertaken by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) which aims to collect and generate information on the performance, levels, structure and trends of economic activities of the formal sector in the entire country for reference year 2018. Specifically, the 2018 CPBI covered formal sector establishments which are engaged in the following economic activities: Sector A - Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing; Sector B - Mining and Quarrying; Sector C – Manufacturing; Sector D - Electricity, Gas, Steam, and Air Conditioning Supply; Sector E - Water Supply, Sewerage, Waste Management and Remediation Activities; Sector F – Construction; Sector G - Wholesale and Retail Trade; Repair of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles; Sector H - Transport and Storage; Sector I - Accommodation and Food Service Activities; Sector J - Information and Communication; Sector K - Financial and Insurance Activities; Sector L - Real Estate Activities; Sector M - Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities; Sector M - Administrative and Support Service Activities; Sector P – Education; Sector Q - Human Health and Social Work Activities; Sector R - Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation; and, Sector S - Other Service Activities.
Establishments engaged in manufacturing (Sector C) include 68 industry groups covering activities with physical or chemical transformation of materials, substances, or components into new products. The raw materials are products of agriculture, forestry, fishing, mining or quarrying as well as products of other manufacturing activities. Substantial alteration, renovation or reconstruction of goods is generally considered as manufacturing.
CAR has 685 manufacturing establishments
Figure 1. Number of Manufacturing Establishment:
Philippines & CAR: CY 2012 & 2018

- In 2018, the number of establishments engaged in manufacturing nationwide was recorded at 28,968, an increase of 15.6 percent or additional 3,904 establishments from the 25,064 establishments in 2012.
- The Cordillera region registered 685 manufacturing establishments, comprising 2.4 percent of the national count. It posted an increase of 300.6 percent or additional of 514 establishments from the 171 establishments in 2012.
Number of employees increase by 13.5 percent
Figure 2. Number of Employees of Manufacturing Establishments: Philippines &
CAR, CY 2012 & 2018

- In 2018, the total number of employees of the establishments engaged in manufacturing was recorded at 1,260,512 nationwide. This was an increase of 6.3 percent or additional of 74,514 employees to the 1,185,998 employee count in 2012.
- For national sex-disaggregation, 55.5 percent or 699,502 were male employees and 44.5 percent or 561,010 were females.
- In CAR, there were 9,437 persons employed by manufacturing establishments. This number of employees comprised 0.7 percent of the total employees in manufacturing establishments in the entire country. Nonetheless, it posted an increase at 13.5 percent or additional of 1,123 regional employees from 8,314 total employees in 2012.
- For regional sex-disaggregation, 53.9 percent or 5,087 were male employees and 46.1 percent or 4,350 were females.
Regional revenue declined by PhP 90.3M
Figure 3. Total Revenue of Manufacturing Establishments, Philippines & CAR: 2018
- In 2018, the total revenue generated by establishments engaged in manufacturing at the national level was estimated at PhP 5.8 billion. This was an increase of 26.5 percent or equivalent to an increase of PhP 1.2 billion from the PhP 4.6 billion revenue in 2012.
- In CAR, the total revenue was recorded at PhP 75.5 million comprising 1.3 percent of the national revenue. Notwithstanding the increase of the number of establishments, a distant decrease was noted at 54.4 percent or about PhP 90.3 million from PhP 165.8 million revenue in 2012.
Regional expense declined by PhP 105.5M
Figure 4. Total Expense of Manufacturing Establishments, Philippines & CAR: 2018

- The total expense by establishments engaged in manufacturing at the national level was recorded at PhP 5.3 billion, an increase of 34.8 percent or PhP 1.4 billion from PhP 3.9 billion in 2012.
- In CAR, the total expense was recorded at PhP 68.9 million comprising 1.3 percent of the national expense. Of the total expense, 4.7 percent or PhP 3.3 million were compensation expense.
- The same trend with the revenue, the total expenses significantly decreased at 60.5 percent, from PhP 174.3 million in 2012 down to PhP 105.5 million in 2018.