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PSA Abra PSO Conducts the 1st Quarter 2025 CrPS, LPS, and QIFS Provincial Level Trainings

Release Date:
Reference Number: 2025CAR-01-PR-011

21 March 2025 — Bangued, Abra. The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) Abra Provincial Statistical Office (PSO) conducted the 1st Quarter 2025 Crops Production Survey (CrPS), the Livestock and Poultry Survey (LPS), and the Quarterly Inland Fisheries Survey (QIFS) Provincial Level Trainings at PSA Abra PSO on 11 to 14 March 2025. The trainings aimed to enhance the knowledge and skills of hired statistical researchers (SRs) in collecting accurate and reliable data on Crops, Livestock and Poultry, and Fisheries. Statistical Specialist II (SS II) Judith W. Panabang served as trainor on the 1st Quarter 2025 LPS and 2025 CrPS. Information Officer I (IO I) Angelee Ann B. Perez assisted the SS II in the training. The CrPS is a quarterly survey which aims to generate basic production statistics for crops other than palay and corn at the national and sub-national levels while the LPS aims to provide estimates of the current supply and disposition practices for livestock and poultry in the country. On the other hand, Statistical Analyst (SA) Leida Margarita B. Purugganan served as trainor in the 1st Quarter 2025 QIFS. The QIFS is a survey on volume and price fish, by species caught by the households engaged in inland fishing. The general objective of QIFS is to generate information on the quarterly volume and value of inland fish catch by species at the provincial, regional, and national levels.

The participants include nine (9) Statistical Researchers (SRs). They were taught on the concepts and definitions of the surveys. They also underwent hands-on exercises and mock interviews to ensure their understanding of the surveys. The PSA Abra ensured that all participants were equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively conduct the surveys.

The conduct of the trainings is part of the PSA's efforts to ensure the quality of agricultural statistics in the country. Accurate and reliable data on agricultural statistics are crucial in informing policy decisions and programs that aim to improve the lives of farmers and the agricultural sector as a whole.

For more information and inquiries about PSA, contact us at (074) 752-8031 or email us at or you can visit the PSA Abra Provincial Statistical Office located at DZPA Bldg., Rizal St., Zone 6, Bangued, Abra. You can also access the official website of PSA-RSSO CAR at, or message the PSO Abra Official Facebook Page