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In 2023, the province’ total hog production was estimated at 2,015 metric tons, liveweight. Its growth rate was posted at 6.4 percent, lower than the regional level growth rate of 8.2 percent. The percent share to the total production of the region was recorded at 9.1 percent. (Figure1)

Figure 1. Volume, Growth Rate, and Percent Share of Hog Production
               Apayao Province, Cordillera Administrative Region
              January - December: 2022 - 2023p

p – preliminary

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Backyard Livestock and Poultry Survey (BLPS), and Commercial Livestock and Poultry Survey (CLPS)




Figure 2. Swine Inventory and Growth Rate 

Apayao Province, Cordillera Administrative Region

As of 01 January, 01 April, 01 July, and 01 October:  2022 - 2023


Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Backyard Livestock and Poultry Survey (BLPS), and Commercial Livestock and Poultry Survey (CLPS)


Swine inventory by quarter of 2023, ranged from 16,112 to 24,346 heads, consistently went up from their levels in the same reference period a year ago. Growth rate in each reference period was in a double-digit with the fastest at 66.5 percent in October 1, while the least growth recorded was at 15.3 percent in April 1. There were numerous heads in backyard (smallhold) farms. (Figures 2 and 3, and Table 1)


Figure 3. Distribution of Swine Inventory by Classification

 Apayao Province, Cordillera Administrative Region

As of 01 January, 01 April, 01 July, and 01 October:  2022 - 2023

(in number of heads)


Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Backyard Livestock and Poultry Survey (BLPS), and 

Commercial Livestock and Poultry Survey (CLPS)


Farmgate Price


Figure 4. Average Farmgate Prices of Hogs for Slaughter, Backyard (Smallhold)

Apayao Province, Cordillera Administrative Region

January - December: 2022 - 2023

Note: dash (-) denotes no data

          October to December 2023 - preliminary

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Backyard Livestock and Poultry Survey (BLPS), and Commercial Livestock and Poultry Survey (CLPS)


In 2023, the annual average farmgate price of hogs for slaughter, backyard, was recorded at PhP 196.59 per kilogram, liveweight. It declined by -5.8 percent from the previous year’s level of PhP 208.65 per kilogram, liveweight. During the period, the highest average farmgate price was registered in May at PhP 240.54 per kilogram of liveweight, while the lowest average farmgate price was quoted in August at PhP 173.74 per kilogram of liveweight. (Figure 4 and Table 2)


Likewise, the 2023 annual average farmgate price of hogs for slaughter, commercial, shrank to PhP 184.34 per kilogram, liveweight, or by -2.1 percent, relative to its level of PhP 188.30 per kilogram, liveweight, in the previous year. From January to December of 2023, the highest average farmgate price was recorded in February at PhP 223.53 per kilogram of liveweight, while the lowest average farmgate price was recorded in August and October to December pegged at PhP 170.00 per kilogram of liveweight. (Figure 5 and Table 2)

Figure 5. Average Farmgate Prices of Hogs for Slaughter, Commercial

Apayao Province, Cordillera Administrative Region

January - December: 2022 - 2023


October to December 2023 - preliminary

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Backyard Livestock and Poultry Survey (BLPS), and Commercial Livestock and Poultry Survey (CLPS)


Table 1. Swine Inventory by Classification

Apayao Province, Cordillera Administrative Region

As of 01 January, 01 April, 01 July, and 01 October: 2022 - 2023

(in number of heads)


Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Backyard Livestock and Poultry Survey (BLPS), and Commercial Livestock and Poultry Survey (CLPS)


Table 2. Average Farmgate Prices of Hogs for Slaughter 

Apayao Province, Cordillera Administrative Region

January - December: 2022 - 2023

(in peso per kilogram, liveweight)

Note: dash (-) denotes no data

          October to December 2023 - preliminary

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Backyard Livestock and Poultry Survey (BLPS), and Commercial Livestock and Poultry Survey (CLPS)




The field data collection for Backyard Livestock and Poultry is conducted every first seven (7) days of the month after the reference quarter for the first three quarters, while for the Commercial Livestock and Poultry Survey, the field data collection is during the last 10 days of the quarter. For both surveys, the data collection for the fourth quarter is done one month earlier to comply with the Philippine System of National Accounts (PSNA) calendar.


Volume of production refers to the number of tended/raised hogs disposed for slaughter including animals shipped-out for slaughter. This is expressed in metric tons, liveweight. 


Inventory refers to the actual number of swine present in the farm as of a specific reference date. 


Swine is a domesticated animal characterized by a stout body, short legs with a long mobile snout and is commonly known as pig. This includes foreign breed, domestic wild pigs (baboy damo), and native breeds.


Farm Classification 


The following are the new farm classifications and definitions based on the approved PSA Board Resolution No. 11, series of 2023: 


Classification Definition


Smallhold - tending 1 to 10 sow level or 1 to 100 heads

Semi-commercial - tending 11 to 50 sow level or 101 to 500 heads 

Commercial - tending 51 sow level and above or 501 heads and above


Metric ton - refers to a unit that is being used which is equal to 1,000 kilograms.


Farmgate price refers to the price received by raisers for their produce at the location of farm. Thus, the marketing costs, such as the transport and other marketing costs (if any) incurred in selling the produce, are not included in the farmgate prices.






Chief Statistical Specialist


Women and Men Employed in Apayao Province Cordillera Administrative Region

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