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Release Date :
Reference Number :
CSR 2022-30

Most Registered Births Occurred in September

  • The number of registered live births from July to September 2022 in the Cordillera Administrative Region reached 9,488.
  • In this quarter, the month of September had the highest registered live births with 39 in every 100 babies born.
  • On the average, there were 103 babies born daily or four babies born every hour.

Figure 1. Number of Registered Live Births by Month: CAR

3rd Quarter 2022

Registered Births Increased by 21.5 percent

  • Among Provinces, Kalinga had the highest registered live births with 1,794, followed by Benguet at 1,468, Apayao at 1,168, Abra at 1,145, Mt Province at 1,056 and Ifugao having the least registered live births at 941.
  • All provinces reported an increase in the number of live births that were registered when compared to the same quarter previous year. Apayao had the biggest percentage rise at 69.3 percent, followed by Abra with 53.3 percent, Mt Province with 28.9 percent, Kalinga at 15.7 percent, Ifugao at 2.3 percent and Benguet at 1.6 percent.
  • Baguio City had the highest daily average registered live births with 21, Kalinga followed at 20 and Benguet with 16.  Ifugao had the lowest number of daily average registered live births at 10.

Table 1. Number and Daily Average of Registered Live Births: CAR

3rd Quarter 2022 and 3rd Quarter 2021

City/Province Number Daily Average
  3rd Quarter 2022 3rd Quarter 2021 3rd Quarter 2022 3rd Quarter 2021
CAR 9,488 7,807 103 85
     Abra 1,145 747 12 8
     Apayao 1,168 690 13 8
     Benguet 1,468 1,445 16 16
     Baguio City 1,916 1,635 21 18
     Ifugao 941 920 10 10
     Kalinga 1,794 1,551 20 17
     Mt Province 1,056 819 11 9

Almost 21 babies born daily in Baguio City

  • Baguio City had the most recorded live births between the two cities of the Cordillera Administrative Region with 1,916,  Tabuk City in Kalinga had 1,309 births registered.
  • La Trinidad, Benguet had 928 live births recorded in the third quarter of 2022, making it the municipality with the highest number of registered live births. Bangued, Abra came in second with 674, followed by Luna, Apayao with 650 births, Bauko, Mountain Province with 493 births, and  Lamut, Ifugao and Conner, Apayao with 323 and 234 births, respectively.

Figure 2: Cities/Municipalities with Most Registered Live Births: CAR

3rd Quarter 2022



Least Registered Live Births in CAR was Recorded in Abra

  • With only one live birth each, Pidigan and San Isidro in Abra had the fewest registered live births among the municipalities in CAR.


Figure 3: Municipalities with Least Registered Live Births: CAR

3rd Quarter 2022


More Male Births in the Region

  • In the 3rd quarter of 2022, records showed that 3,584 male babies were born, accounting for 51.25 percent of all registered births in the Region, while 4,625 female babies were born. This data resulted to a sex ratio of 105 males for every 100 females.
  • Ifugao posted sex ratio less than one hundred, this indicates that there were more females than males registered in the province.
  • The sex ratio in the Province of Mt Province was 107, higher than the regional average. Following this were Abra, Apayao and Benguet which had the same sex ratio of 106, and Kalinga with 103.

Table 2: Number of Live Births by Sex and Sex Ratio: CAR

3rd Quarter 2022


Region/Province Both Sexes Male Female Sex Ratio
CAR 9,488 4,863 4,625 105
     Abra 1,145 590 555 106
     Apayao 1,168 601 567 106
     Benguet 1,468 755 713 106
     Baguio City 1,916 994 922 108
     Ifugao 941 464 477 97
     Kalinga 1,794 912 882 103
     Mt. Province 1,056 547 509 107


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