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Reconstitution of the Regional Technical Committee on Survey Design (RTCSD)

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Reconstitution of the Regional Technical Committee on Survey Design (RTCSD)

WHEREAS, Article 49 of the Implementing Rules and Regulations(IRR) of the Philippine Statistics Act of 2013 (10625) states that the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) shall establish a Statistical Survey Review and Clearance System (SSRCS) to provide assistance and support to the statistical work of other government agencies in the Philippine Statistical System (PSS), including LGU's and GOCCs;

WHEREAS, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development " is a plan of action for people, planet and properity. It also seeks to strengthen universal peace in larger freedom. All countries and all stakeholders, actig in collaborative partnership, will implement this plan;"

WHEREAS, the SSRCS involves in the evaluation of surveys or census sponsored and/or to be conducted by government agencies at the national and sub-national levels. It shall cover several areas such as the need to conduct the inquiry, duplication, sampling design, forms content and table format, operational plans and the outputs;

WHEREAS, the review process shall evaluate that such conduct of statistical activity, and shall ensure conformity with the standard definitions, concepts and classifications, and consequently, the reliability, comparability and accuracy of statistics generated. At the same time, it shall minimize the burden of respondents, to effect economyin data collection, to inform respondents about the survey, and to enjoin their cooperation as well;

WHEREAS, a Regional Technical Committee on Survey Design (RTCSD) was created thru RSCC Resolution No. 4 series of 2004 to provide technical advice in the preparation and development of survey designs for government censuses and sample surveys to be conducted in the region;

WHEREAS, the RTCSD is composed of professionals in survey design and practitioners who will assist PSA-CAR in the review, evaluation and clearance of governemnt statistical surveys or censuses in the region;

NOW, THERFORE BE IT RESOLVED, AS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the Committee reconstitutes the RTCSD which shall be compused of the following:


Chairperson: Villafe P. Alibuyog
  Regional Director
  Philippine Statistics Authority
Members: 1.   Maria Azucena B. Lubrica
  Professor IV
Math, Physics & Statistics Department
College of Arts & Sciences Benguet State University

2.   Rizavel Corsino-Addawe
  Assistant Professor
  Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
  College of Sciences
  University of the Philippines Baguio

3.   Valerie B. Baniwas
  Statistician III
  Department of Health - CAR

4.   Rhoda Basco-Galangco
  Research and Development Center
  University of Baguio

5.   Lorence M. Resurreccion
  Department Head
  Business Economics School of Accountancy and Business Management   Saint Louis University

6.   Danilo E. Azarcon Jr.
  University Statistician
  Research and Development Center
University of the Cordilleras

7.   Raymart S. Lagunero
  Instructor 1
  Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
  College of Sciences
  University of the Philippines Baguio

APPROVED this 15th day of August 2016 in Baguio City, Philippines.



Secretariat Head
(OIC Chief, Statistical Operations and
Coordination Division,PSA-CAR)



RSC-CAR Vice-Chair
(Regional Director, PSA-CAR)



(Regional Director, NEDA-CAR)