WHEREAS, the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), being the central statistical authority of the Philippine government on primary data collection, is committed to delivering excellent data sharing and dissemination to its clients and stakeholders;
WHEREAS, the PSA established the Data Enclave Centers (DEC) in all its Regional Statistical Service Offices (RSSO) nationwide, with three pilot regions on 19 December 2022 and officially launched in the remaining fourteen ('14) regions on 14 July 2023, including the
Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR);
WHEREAS, the Data Enclave is a facility through which confidential data, such as identifiable information for census and establishment-level data can be stored and disseminated;
WHEREAS, establishment-based data can be accessed in an encrypted container in the Data Enclave terminal, which can only be accessed remotely through VPN and only from the designated data enclave workstation in the PSA RSSOs;
WHEREAS, data on household surveys are likewise available through OpenStat which can also be accessed in the DECs and libraries in the PSA field offices, and the data user/researcher may request to access the data enclave through email, e-FOl portal, or from PSA field offices;
WHEREAS, a Data Enclave Access Agreement is signed by the data user/requester and the PSA representative before acquiring data as this Agreement specifies the data usage terms and conditions that the user/requester acknowledged;
WHEREAS, PSA issued Office Memorandum No. 2024-07 dated 02 January 2O24 on the Promotion of Data Enclave Centers in the RSSOs to maximize the use of and take advantage of the new service of the PSA;
WHEREAS, the DEC encourages the free and open use of data in policy research, studies, theses or academic papers, and similar materials, and the support of the government and the private sectors in the region is crucial in the wide dissemination in the promotion and use of the DEC of the Cordillera region;
NOW, THEREFORE, on motion duly seconded, BE IT:
RESOLVED AS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the Regional Statistics Committee-Cordillera Administrative Region (RSC-CAR) enjoins the Regional Line Agencies, Local Government Units, academe, and the private sector to support the Data Enclave Center of PSA-CAR;
RESOLVED FURTHER, that the expected support from RLAS, LGUS, academe, and the private sector can be through any or all of the following:
1. Posting and sharing of information, education and communication (IEC) materials in the regional websites and social media pages;
2. Inclusion of the discussion of DEC and its features in dissemination forums and similar activities; and
3. Inviting PSA to participate in information caravans to showcase the DEC in universities and colleges;
RESOLVED FINALLY, that PSA-CAR will provide the Data Enclave Access Agreement forms and IEC materials, and will serve as resource persons to forums.
APPROVED this 22d day of February 2024 in Baguio City, Philippines.
Certified true and correct:
Secretary, RSC-CAR
(Chief Statistical Specialist, PSA-CAR)
Attested by:
Vice-Chair, RSC-CAR
(Regional Director, PSA-CAR)
Approved by:
Chairperson, RSC-CAR
(Regional Director, NEDA-CAR)