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Registered Persons in Cordillera reached 1.4 M as of June 2024 for the National ID

Baguio City - In the continuing implementation of the Philippine Identification System (PhilSys) in the Cordillera, the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) has successfully registered the biometric…

PSA-Abra Expands PhilSys Services, Successfully Launches the Updating of Demographic Information in the Philippine ID

19 June 2024 – BANGUED, ABRA. The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) Abra Provincial Statistical Office successfully launched the full-scale implementation of change in and/or correction of entry/…

PhilSys Registry Team Conducts PhilSys Step 2 Registration and IEC Campaign at Barangays Agsimao and Cogon of Tineg

The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) - Abra Provincial Statistical Office (PSO) PhilSys Registry Team (PRT) conducted PhilSys Step 2 Registration and Information, Education, and Communication (…