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2016 Cordillera Fishery Situationer

Release Date:
Reference Number: 2017-31

The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) generates statistics for freshwater municipal aquaculture and municipal inland fishing. Production surveys are conducted quarterly in sample aquaculture farms and sample inland fishing households. The respondents of the surveys are aquafarm operators, fishermen or other knowledgeable members of the household. Generated quarterly fisheries production is included in the quarterly data review process of the PSA at the provincial, regional and national levels. After the data validation, preliminary estimates are made available to data users.

Table 1. Fishery Production by Type by Province and CAR: 2015-2016
Region/Province Production(MT) % Change
 CY 2015 CY 2016
CAR 3, 865.5 4, 202.2 8.7
        Inland 1, 172.7 1, 238.5 5.6
        Aquaculture 2, 692.9 2, 963.7 10.1
Abra 742.8 719.3 (3.2)
        Inland 329.2 320.2 (2.7)
        Aquaculture 413.6 399.1 (3.5)
Apayao 371.5 358.1 (3.6)
        Inland 197.4 188.1 (4.7)
        Aquaculture 174.1 170.0 (2.3)
Benguet 454.2 393.7 (13.3)
          Inland 98.4 95.8 (2.7)
          Aquaculture 355.8 298.0 (16.2)
Ifugao 1, 803.9 2, 242.7 24.3
          Inland 252.0 325.9 29.3
          Aquaculture 1, 551.9 1, 916.8 23.5
Kalinga 471.4 466.7 (1.0)
          Inland 288.6 299.6 3.8
          Aquaculture 182.8 167.1 (8.6)
Mt. Province 21.9 21.6 23.6
           Inland 7.2 8.9 23.6
           Aquaculture 14.8 12.7 (14.0)

                  Source: Philippine Statistics Authority


  • The region’s total annual fish production increased by 8.7 percent from 3,865.5 metric tons in 2015 to 4,202.2 metric tons in 2016 contributed by both aquaculture and inland. Ifugao province was consistently the top fish producer in the region with a share of 53.4% of the total regional production in 2016 (Table 1).
Table 2. Distribution of Total Fishery Production by Aquafarm Type,
by Province, CAR: 2016
Region/Province Production(MT) % to Total
CAR 4, 202.2 100.0
        Inland 1, 238.5 29.5
        Aquaculture 2, 963.7 70.5
Abra 719.3 17.1
        Inland 320.2 7.6
        Aquaculture 399.1 9.5
Apayao 358.1 8.5
        Inland 188.1 4.5
        Aquaculture 170.0 4.0
Benguet 393.7 9.4
          Inland 95.8 2.3
          Aquaculture 298.0 7.1
Ifugao 2, 242.7 53.4
          Inland 325.9 7.8
          Aquaculture 1, 916.8 45.6
Kalinga 466.7 11.1
          Inland 299.6 7.1
          Aquaculture 167.1 4.0
Mt. Province 21.6 0.5
           Inland 8.9 0.2
           Aquaculture 12.7 0.3

                  Source: Philippine Statistics Authority

  • Out of the total regional production of 4,202.2 metric tons, 2,963.7 metric tons (70.5%) came from aquaculture and 1,238.5 metric tons (29.5%) came from inland.
  • Abra province distantly came second from Ifugao with 17.1% share of the regional fish production, followed by Kalinga with 11.1% share, Benguet with 9.4% share, and Apayao with 9.6% share (Figure 1).
  • Mt. Province had the smallest share in the fishery of the region with an output of 21.6 metric tons comprising only 0.5% of the total fish production in Cordillera Administrative Region (Table 2).
Figure 1. Percentage Distribution of Total Fishery Production in CAR
by Province, 2016


  • Inland municipal fishing refers to fishing in inland waters like lakes, rivers, and dams. Using simple gears and fishing boats some of which are non-motorized with a capacity of less than three (3) gross tons, or fishing not requiring the use of fishing boats.
  • Cordillera municipal inland fishing output in 2016 was 1,238.5 metric tons, comprising 29.5% of the total fish production (Table 3).
Table 3. Municipal Inland Production in CAR by Province, 2016
Region/Province Production(MT) %
CAR 1, 238.5 100.0
Abra 320.2 25.9
Apayao 188.1 15.2
Benguet 95.8 7.7
Ifugao 325.9 26.3
Kalinga 299.6 24.2
Mt. Province 8.9 1.0
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority
Figure 1. Percentage Distribution of Total Fishery Production in CAR
by Province, 2016

  • Ifugao remained the top inland fishing province with 325.9 metric tons of fish harvested, which was 26.3% of the total inland fishery. Ifugao was trailed by Abra and Kalinga with 25.9% and 24.2% shares while Apayao came 4th with 15.2% share. The provinces with the smallest shares were Benguet and Mountain Province with 7.7% and 0.7% shares, respectively (Figure 2).


  • Aquaculture is a fishery operation involving all forms of raising and culturing of fish and other fishery species in fresh, brackish and marine water areas.
  • In 2016, Cordillera Administrative Region registered an aquaculture production of 2,963.7 metric tons with an area harvested of 595.5 hectares. Aquaculture dominated the region’s fisheries accounting for 70.5% of the total fish production.
Table 4. Aquaculture Production and Area Harvested in CAR, by
Province, 2016
Region/Province Production(MT) Area Harvested(Has)
CAR 2, 963.70 595.5
Abra 399.1 153.7
Apayao 170 90.6
Benguet 298 34.7
Ifugao 1, 916.8 238.2
Kalinga 167.1 73.4
Mt. Province 12.7 4.7

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority

Figure 3. Percentage Distribution of Aquaculture Production in CAR,
by Province, 2016

  • Ifugao posted the highest production with 1,916.8 metric tons and an area harvested of 238.2 hectares. Abra was a distant second with 399.1 metric tons with an area harvested of 153.7 hectares while Mt. Province has the least production in the region with only 12.7 metric tons and an area harvested of 4.7 hectares (Table 4).
  • In terms of percentage distribution in aquaculture production in the region, the largest was Ifugao with 64.7% share. Abra came second with 13.5% share. The other provinces and their share to total aquaculture production were Benguet, 10.1%; Kalinga, 5.6%; Apayao, 5.7%; and Mt. Province with the smallest share of 0.% (Figure 4).




Technical Notes

Aquaculture is a fishery operation involving all forms of raising and culturing of fish and other fishery species in fresh, brackish and marine water areas. The operation is comprised of activities from stocking to harvesting of species under controlled conditions in farming facility called aquafarm.

Aquafarm refers to the farming facilities used in the culture or propagation of aquatic species for purposes of rearing to enhanced production.

Freshwater is water without salt or marine origin.

Aquaculture Production refers to the volume harvested from the aquafarm during the reference period. It includes those species harvested in marketable or matured size and fresh in form.

Fishponds refers to a land-based type of aquafarm; a body of water (artificial or natural) where fish are cultured, raised or cultivated under controlled conditions.

Fish Cage refers to a stationary or floating fish enclosure made of synthetic net wire/bamboo screen set in the form of inverted mosquito net (“hapa” type) for aquaculture purposes.

Area Harvested is the actual area which harvests are realized.

Inland municipal fishing is the catching of fish, crustacean, mollusks and other aquatic animal and plants in inland waters like lakes, rivers, dams etc. using simple gears and fishing boats some of which are non-motorized with a capacity of less than three (3) gross tons, or fishing not requiring the use of fishing boats.

Inland municipal Production refers to the volume of catch during the reference period.