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1st Semester 2018 Crop Production of CAR

Release Date:
Reference Number: SR 2018-33
  • Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) produced a total of 235,420.0 metric tons (MT) of crops excluding palay and corn during the first semester of 2018. Crops are classified in three types: fruit crops, non-food and industrial commercial crops (NFICCs) and vegetable crops.
  • Crop production in CAR increased by 2.5 percent or 5,790.2 MT during first semester of 2018 compared to that of 229,629.8 MT during same period in 2017.
Figure 1. Percentage Distribution of Crop Production by Type, CAR:
1st Semester 2018

  • CAR crop production by type in first semester 2018 were distributed as follows: 75.4 percent or 177,559.7 MT of Vegetables production, 16.8 percent or 39,638.3 MT of NFICCs production and 7.7% or 18,222.0 MT of fruit crops production.
  • Out of CAR’s total crop production, the province of Benguet contributed the largest share with 65.1 percent or 153,313.1 MT, followed by Kalinga province with 13.2 percent or 30,986.2 MT. Abra shared 6.3 percent or 14,820.8 MT while Ifugao, Apayao and Mountain Province contributed 5.9 percent, 5.0 percent and 4.6 percent, respectively.
Table 1. Volume of Crop Production in CAR, by Province: 1st Semester 2018
Major Crops of Cordillera
  • Out of the 235,420.0 MT of crop production in CAR during the reference period, cabbage was largely produced with 41,773.6 MT or 17.7 percent. White potato followed with 13.5 percent or 31,744.0 MT; sugarcane with 12.2 percent or 28,806.8 MT and carrots and chayote fruit with 8.2 percent and 7.0 percent, respectively.

Table 2. Major/Top Crop Production in CAR: 1st Semester 2018

Crop Production by Province
  • Abra produced 14,820.8 MT during first semester of 2018. The crop production decreased by 1.9 percent or 288.3 MT compared to 15,109.1 MT of output during first semester of 2017.
  • The top three produced crop by the province were bananas with 26.6 percent (3,936.7 MT) contribution to the total banana production of the province, followed by squash fruit with 13.6 percent or 2,016.0 MT, and tobacco with 10.9 percent or 1,613.4 MT.
  • Abra was the top producer of bananas in the region with 38.4 percent of the total regional banana production, squash fruit and tobacco with 58.3 percent and 99.7 percent to the regional total production, respectively.
Figure 2. Percentage Distribution of Crop Production in Abra: 1st Semester 2018
  • The province of Apayao produced 11,815.0 during first semester of 2018. Crop production of the province increased by 8.7 percent or 944.0 MT compared to the 10,871.0 MT produced in first semester of 2017.
  • The top three crops by the province were cassava with 76.3 percent (9,020.5 MT) contribution to the total production in Apayao, followed by banana with 7.9 percent or 933.4 MT, and squash fruit with 6.5 percent or 766.4 MT.
  • Apayao was the top producer of cassava with 61.1 percent of the regional cassava production; second top producer of squash fruit with 22.2 percent; and third top producer of banana with 9.10 percent.
Figure 3. Percentage Distribution of Crop Production in Apayao: 1st Semester 2018
  • Among the provinces of CAR, Benguet had the largest crop production with 153,313.1 MT during the reference period sharing 65.1 percent to the total crop production of the region owing to wide farming areas and temperate weather suitable of producing highland vegetable crops.
  • Crop production in the province decreased by 1.4 percent or 2,241.3 MT during first semester of 2018 compared to the 155,554.4 MT output in 2017.
Figure 4. Percentage Distribution of Crop Production in Benguet: 1st Semester 2018
  • The top three crops produced by the province were cabbage with 25.4 percent or 38,925.0 MT contribution to the total crop production of the province, followed by white potato with18.7 percent or 28,600.0 MT and carrots with 11.9 percent or 18,209.0 MT.
  • Benguet was the top producer in the region for the following crops: cabbage with 93.2 percent of the regional cabbage production; white potato with 90.10 percent of the regional white potato production; carrots with 94.2 percent of the regional carrots production; and chayote fruits with 97.78 percent of the total regional chayote production.
  • Ifugao produced 13,772.4 MT of crops during the first semester of 2018 accounting to 5.9 percent share to the total crop production in the region.
  • Crop production of the province increased by 14.5 percent or 1,745.6 MT during first semester of 2018 as compared to the 12,026.7 MT production in 2017.
  • The top three crops produced by the province were cassava with 38.6 percent (5,315.5 MT) contribution to the total production of the province, followed by banana with 22.6 percent or 3,106.5 MT, and camote with 8.3 percent or 1,140.9 MT.
Figure 5. Percentage Distribution of Crop Production in Ifugao: 1st Semester 2018
  • Kalinga produced a total of 30,986.2 MT of crops during the first semester of 2018. Production increased by 21.0 percent or 5,371.2 MT compared with the 25,615.0 MT crop production of the province in same period in 2017.
  • The top three crops produced by the province were sugarcane with 28,107.0 MT or 90.7 percent contribution to the total production of the province, followed by banana with 2.9 percent or 888.5 MT and coffee with 2.6 percent or 801.2 MT.
Figure 6. Percentage Distribution of Crop Production in Kalinga: 1st Semester 2018
  • Kalinga was the top producer of the region in sugarcane with 97.6 percent of the total regional sugarcane production.

Mountain Province

  • Mountain Province produced 10,712.6 MT of crops during first semester of 2018. This was 4.6 percent of the regional crop production. The province’s crop production increased by 2.5 percent (259.0 MT) compared to the 10,453.6 MT during the first semester of 2017.
  • The top three crops produced by the province were white potato with 28.9 percent or 3,101.1 MT, followed by cabbage with 24.4 percent or 2,610.6 MT, and carrots with 8.3 percent or 893.1 MT.
  • Mountain Province was the second top producer of the region for the following crops: white potato with 9.8 percent of the regional white potato production, cabbage with 6.25 percent, and carrots with 4.6 percent.
Figure 6. Percentage Distribution of Crop Production in Mt. Province:
1st Semester 2018




Technical Notes

Production is the quantity produced and actually harvested for a particular crop during the reference period.
Vegetable Crops are mostly temporary crops which are either classified agronomically as such or based on purpose for which they are used.
Root Crops are well developed underground edible roots. They are classified into tubes and roots.
Major Crops are the top 20 crops in the Philippines, other than palay and corn which collectively account for more than 60 percent of the total production.
Priority Crops are the identified national banner crops and various regional priority crops of the Key Commercial Crops Development Program (KCCDP), High Value Commercial Crops  (HVCC) Program and now the Key Commodity Road Maps of the Department of Agriculture, which are being developed because of their industrial and commercial potentials.
Industrial Crops are crops that are used as inputs to other industries.
Non-Food Crops are crops other than those used for food consumption. These are crops grown for their aesthetic values such as ornamental plants and cut-flowers. These also include agriculture-derived products such as rice and coconut leaves.
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