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2014 Crop Production: Cabbage, Carrot and Potato

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The Philippines produced a total of 315,469 metric tons of cabbage, carrot, and white potato for the year 2014.

The volume of production of these three crops increased by 0.7% in 2014 as compared with the 313,296 metric tons output of 2013.

Out of the total production, the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) contributed the biggest share at 83.1% or 262,283 metric tons, followed by Davao Region with 4.8% share or 15,189 metric tons, and Northern Mindanao at 4.5% or 14,119 metric tons.

CAR remained as the primary producer of cabbage, carrots and white potatoes in the country from 1990 to 2014. The breakdown and shares of CAR’s production are: 39.0% of white potato (102,255 metric tons), 38.0% of cabbage (99,520 metric tons), and 23.1% of carrots (60,507 metric tons).

Among the provinces in CAR, Benguet had the largest production since it has the widest farming area for these three crops and has a temperate weather suitable of producing highland vegetable crops.

Cordillera shares 77.8% of Cabbage production in the country

  • Cabbage is a leafy vegetable, and is characterized with round or oval shape. It consists of soft, light green or whitish inner leaves covered with harder and dark green outer leaves. It is widely served in tables around the world, and can be prepared in a number of ways. Most commonly, it is included as either cooked or eaten raw as main ingredient of many salads. Cabbage is also beneficial in curing various health ailments such as deficiency of Vitamin C and Sulphur, for the prevention of cancer, for eye, bone and brain health and many more. This is one of the top 20 major crops of the country.
  • Of the 127,986 metric tons total cabbage production in the country in 2014, vegetable farmers in the Cordillera produced the highest at 77.8%, followed by Central Visayas at 6.8% and Northern Mindanao at 5.2%.
  • From 127,464 metric tons in 2013, production of cabbage in the region declined in 2014 by 437 metric tons or a decrease 0.4% due to damages caused by Typhoon Luis that crossed the Cordillera region during the period.


  • Cordilleran farmers harvested cabbage from a total area of 3,367 hectares in 2014. Benguet province remained as the major producer of cabbage at 85.6% (85,139 metric tons) and was followed by Mountain Province at 13.9% (13,844 metric tons).

Cordillera shares 88.5% in the country’s Carrot production

  • Carrot is one of the most nutritious root crops. It is considered as winter season crop in many parts of Asia. It has many industrial uses and health benefits such as keeping your vision sharp, prevents memory loss, diabetes and many more. Carrot is also one of the priority crops in the Philippines.
  • Carrot production in the country reached 68,342 metric tons in 2014. The cordillera contributed the biggest share at 88.5% or 60,507 metric tons, Central Visayas had the next largest share at 5.3% or 3,632 metric tons.
  • Production of carrots in CAR increased by 231 metric tons or 0.3% due to the fair weather condition in the second semester of 2014.

  • Among the provinces of CAR, Benguet contributed the biggest share of 55,786 metric tons (92.2%), followed by Mountain Province of 4,202 metric tons (6.9%) and Ifugao by 519 metric tons (0.9%).

Cordillera produced 86% of the country’s White Potato

  • White or Irish potato is one of the primary cash crop products of the Cordillera. It is nutritionally very good, high in starch (8-28%) but with protein (1-4%) in the inner layers of the skin. It has also Vitamin C. In addition to the usual consumption of the tuber, white potato is used in the fermentation of vodka, and used for adhesives and sizing in paper and textiles. White potato belongs to the priority crops in the Philippines.
  • The production for white potato in the country reached 119,140 metric tons in 2014. The Cordillera region remained the highest contributor at 85.8% or 102,255 metric tons, followed by Davao region at 8.1% or 9,634 metric tons and Northern Mindanao at 5.2% or 6,145 metric tons.
  • The regional production increased by 1.2% or 1,418 metric tons from the previous year’s (2013) 117,721 metric tons due to the increase of area harvested in the Cordillera.
  • Among the Cordillera provinces, Benguet had the highest share at 87.9% or 89,918 metric tons, followed by Mountain Province at 11.9% or 12,195 metric tons.


Technical Notes

Crop Production - The quantity produced and actually harvested for a particular crop during the reference period. It includes those harvested but damaged, stolen, given away, consumed, given as harvesters' share, reserved etc. Excluded are those produced but not harvested due to low price, lack of demand and force majeure or fortuitous events.

Major Crops -This refer to the top 19 other crops in the Philippines, other than palay and corn which collectively account for more than 60 percent of the total crop production. These include coconut, sugarcane, banana, pineapple, coffee, mango, tobacco, abaca, peanut,mongo, cassava, sweet potato, tomato, garlic, onion, cabbage, eggplant, calamansi, and rubber.

Priority Crops - dentified national banner crops that are being developed for commercial /industrial purposes.