The Consumer Price Index (CPI) for all income household in Abra for February 2025 is 124.8. This implies that a household in Abra needs 24.80 pesos more to purchase the same basket of goods worth 100 pesos in 2018.
This month’s CPI for all items is 2.7 higher than last year’s index. Changes in the prices of different commodities determine the fluctuations in the monthly CPI. The higher index was due to the recorded price changes in the following: Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages and Personal Care, and Miscellaneous Goods and Services with 7.6 percent; Recreation, Sport and Culture with 4.7 percent; and Information and Communication with 4.5 percent.
Except for Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas and Other Fuels and Transport, all other commodity groups increased in prices while Clothing and Footwear, Restaurants and Accommodation Services, Financial Services and Education Services posted no percent change.