Tabuk City, Kalinga – In celebration of the 35th Civil Registration Month (CRM), the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) - Kalinga officially launched its month-long observance with a grand motorcade and roadshow on February 7, 2025. With this year’s theme, “Building Resilient, Agile, and Future-fit Civil Registration and Vital Statistics System,” the event aimed to raise public awareness of the importance of timely and accurate civil registration.
The motorcade, escorted by the Philippine National Police (PNP) - Tabuk City, traversed key areas within Bulanao, Tabuk City, catching the attention of residents and emphasizing the significance of Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS). PSA – Kalinga personnel participated in the activity, underscoring their commitment to deliver efficient civil registration services.
During the motorcade, a roadshow was held, featuring an informative jingle about CRVS that highlighted the essential role of civil registration in the community.
The annual celebration of Civil Registration Month is in pursuant to Proclamation No. 682, signed by former President Corazon C. Aquino on January 28, 1991, which declared February of every year as Civil Registration Month. This observance serves as a reminder to Filipinos of their responsibility to register vital events in their lives, ensuring legal identity and access to government services.
As part of the month-long celebration, PSA-Kalinga has lined up various activities, including mobile registration services, Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) campaign, and community engagement programs. These initiatives are designed to strengthen the CRVS, making it more resilient, agile, and future-fit in serving the Filipino people.
For more details and announcements, kindly visit the PSA Kalinga Official Facebook page through https://www.facebook.com/officialkalingaPSA or the official website at https://rssocar.psa.gov.ph/kalinga.
Chief Statistical Specialist