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Release Date :
Reference Number :
PR 2024-008


Baguio City –The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) and the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) had joint efforts to enhance services for the beneficiaries of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps). This includes the PhilSys registration, ePhilID issuance, and authentication during their Family Development Sessions (FDS). This collaborative effort aims to make PhilSys services more accessible and convenient for 4Ps beneficiaries, contributing to social protection and empowerment throughout the nation.

PhilSys Authentication has been established as an equivalency for attending FDS. This means that beneficiaries can use their PhilID or ePhilID for identity verification during these sessions. The beneficiary being verified must present his/her PhilSys Card Number (PCN), printed at the PhilID or ePhilID, and have their fingerprint scanned using a fingerprint scanning device to complete the identification verification process.  If the response from the PhilSys Authentication yields a no match, it means that verification of identity failed and grantees and household members must register with PhilSys to avail of the FDS equivalency.

As of April 11, 2024, the provinces of the Cordillera Administrative Region had recorded a total of 1,736 authentication transactions of 4Ps beneficiaries using the PhilSys.

Additionally, for registered beneficiaries who have misplaced their Transaction Reference Number (TRN), a TRN retrieval service is offered. The purpose of this service is to assist registered beneficiaries in requesting or claiming their ePhilID.

For additional inquiries, visit the official PhilSys website ( or Facebook page ( for the latest updates. The PhilSys Registry Office can also be reached thru the hotline number 1388 or e-mail at For the latest updates on PhilSys here in Cordillera Administrative Region, visit the PhilSys website ( or Facebook page (


Regional Director

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