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The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) – Abra Provincial Statistical Office (PSO) National ID System Registry Team (NIDRT) had registered 15,151 Abreños as of 31 October 2024. These were the registrants who are one year and over under the National ID Registration. A cumulative total of 203,721 registrants or 81.17% over the total population of 250,985 registrants were successfully registered in the province since the start of National ID Registration in 2021.

 Figure 1. Number of National ID System Registered by Year; ABRA

Source: PSA Abra National ID Unit Provincial Monitoring

Among the 27 municipalities of the province, Danglas had the highest percentage of completion with 97.55 percent, followed by Bangued with 95.60 percent, and Luba with 92.99 percent. The National ID Fixed Registration Center (FRC) is located at Bangued. It caters registrants coming from different municipalities. (Table 1)

Table 1. Number of National ID System Registered Individuals by Municipality; ABRA

Source: PSA Abra National ID Unit Provincial Monitoring

The Abra NIDRT continued the National ID Registration and exerted all possible efforts and strategies to register the remaining unregistered individuals in compliance to the Chief Executive’s directive to expedite the implementation of National ID System to achieve digital transformation of social protection systems in order to enable more efficient, effective, and just delivery of social protection programs.


The PSO-Abra Issues Over 143,000 ePhilIDs Provincewide

The Abra National ID RT implemented the issuance of printable ePhilIDs in the province. This is a proactive strategy of the PSA that allows registrants to immediately enjoy the benefits of being National ID System-registered. The features of the ePhilID contain the registrant’s PhilSys Card Number (PCN) and basic demograhic information together with the QR code which is used for authentication. The issued ePhilID has the same functionality and validity as the physical card. Additionally, the issuance of ePhilIDS can now be done in real-time.

Figure 2. Number of ePhilID Issued by Year; ABRA

Source: PSA Abra National ID Unit Provincial Monitoring

The issuance of ePhilID started in October 2022. Abra NIDRT had issued 143,777 ePhilIDs to registered individuals as of 31 October 2024. Based on the issuances per municipality, the municipality of Bangued had the highest number of issuances with 26,292, followed by Bucay with 12,519, and Tayum with 9,233 ePhilIDs. Daguioman had the lowest issuance of ePhilIDs with only 1,098 ePhilIDs. (Table 2)

             Table 2. Number of ePhilID Issued by Year and Municipality; ABRA

Source: PSA Abra National ID Unit Provincial Monitoring




Prepared by:                                                               Approved for Release:


ANGELEE B. PEREZ                                                 JAERIEL R. BERSAMINA

PSO Abra Staff                                                           Supervising Statistical Specialist



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