In line with R.A. 11055, also known as the Philippine Identification System, which aims to established a foundational Identification System for all Filipinos and resident aliens of the Republic of the Philippines, the PhilSys Step 2 Registration in Kalinga continues its operation for the 3rd Quarter of this year. As of July 31, 2022, 72.87% or 143,585 persons in Kalinga were successfully registered. This is almost three-fourths of the 196, 997 projected population of 5 years old and over in the province.
In order to bring the service closer to the people of Kalinga, mobile registration is being conducted to the different barangays to accommodate household members who cannot travel to the designated registration center due to health problems, financial problems, long hours of travel time, bad weather conditions and many more.
The PhilSys Registration Team also conducts institutional registration or the on-site registration to cater registrants both from government and private institutions who cannot travel to the designated registration center due to their busy schedules. In addition, family members of employees are also included in this activity.
Moreso, Ikalingas are happy to receive their physical ID because as of July 31, 2022, based on data given by the PhilPost, a total of 15,294 PhilID cards were already delivered and 888 are on-transit.
In addition, the PhilSys Registration Team joined in the recently concluded Comprehensive IP Communities Empowerment Advocacy Inter-agency AD Visitation last July 21, 2022 and explained further the importance of having a PhilID and also to register the unregistered participants of the said activity.
For the 3rd Quarter of this year, the registration teams continued their coordination to the different barangay officials for a possible second round conduct of mobile registration and coordination with the schools when the face-to-face classes started to register faculty members and students. In the province,the nine (9) registration kits are deployed in all the city/municipalities; Two (2) are deployed in Tabuk City and one (1) for each of the remaining municipalities.