WHEREAS, the Tourism Satellite Accounts (TSA) is a standard statistical framework and the main tool for the measurement of the economic contribution of tourism, developed by the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the Statistical Office of the European Communities (Eurostat), and the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD);
WHEREAS, adopting the Tourism Satellite Account: Recommended Methodological Framework 2008 (TSA: RMF 2008) and the International Recommendation for Tourism Statistics 2008 (IRTS 2008) as the guiding frameworks, the PSA-CAR TSA Project Staff together with the Committee’s Task Force and Technical Working Group on Tourism Statistics were able to come up with regional and even some provincial estimates;
WHEREAS, results of tourism satellite accounts were presented to the Committee and the CAR TSA 2016-219 was endorsed to the Regional Development Council-Cordillera (RDC-CAR) and other stakeholders by virtue of RSC-CAR Resolution No. 11, series of 2021 dated 21 September 2021;
WHEREAS, there was a clamor from tourism data users such as the policy-makers, program implementers and other stakeholders for the 2020 estimates to gain better insights on the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic to tourism in the region;
WHEREAS, with the availability of relevant and required indicators, PSA-CAR was able to come up with 2020 estimates and went through workshops and reviews with the TWG on Tourism Statistics and with the Satellite Accounts Division (SAD) under the Macroeconomic Accounts Service (MAS) of the PSA;
WHEREAS, the CAR TSA report with calendar years 2016 to 2019 that was recently released will now have the 2020 estimates to be more relevant and responsive to the current data needs of the tourism sector;
NOW, THEREFORE, on motion duly seconded, BE IT
RESOLVED, AS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Regional Statistics Committee-CAR adopts and endorses the CAR Tourism Satellite Accounts (TSA) 2016-2020 to the Regional Development Council (RDC) - Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR);
RESOLVED FURTHER, that the CAR TSA 2016-2020 is also endorsed to the different sectoral committees of the RDC and other regional stakeholders;
RESOLVED FINALLY, that the Committee, thru the Secretariat, shall monitor the policy uses of the CAR TSA.
APPROVED this 29th day of November 2021 in Baguio City, Philippines.
Certified True and Correct
RSC-CAR Head of Secretariat
(Chief Statistical operations and Coordination Division, PSA-CAR)
RSC-CAR Vice-Chair
(Regional Director, PSA-CAR)
RSC-CAR Chairperson
(Regional Director, NEDA-CAR)