WHEREAS, monitoring the progress towards achieving the development plans and the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) at the regional and local levels requires a strong coordination and collaboration with multiple stakeholders in order to ensure data availability, generation and monitoring of indicators;
WHEREAS, data gaps remain a challenge in the region despite the use of administrative-based and survey-based data from different government agencies;
WHEREAS, there is a need to build a robust data system and this entails looking into alternate data sources such as citizen-generated data (CGD);
WHEREAS, as defined by the World Alliance for Citizen Participation (CIVICUS), CGD are data that people and civil society organizations (CSOs) produce to directly monitor, demand or drive change on issues and concerns that affect them; and these are relatively given by citizens, providing direct representations of their perspectives and an alternative to datasets collected by governments or international institutions;
WHEREAS, there is a need to assess the availability and use of CGD in the region that could address data gaps in the SDG monitoring and other information needs of the regional/local statistical system;
WHEREAS, the creation of a task force will study the possible use of CGD available in the region for SDG monitoring purposes pursuant to PSA Board Resolution No. 04, s.2016 and RSC-CAR Resolution No. 05, s.2018 (Enjoining Government Agencies to Provide Data Support to the Sustainable Development Goals). The said PSA Board and RSC-CAR resolutions support PSA’s commitment to call on the international community, private sector and civil society to provide assistance in terms of resources and advocacy support in the conduct of statistical development initiatives to generate useful/meaningful information for progress monitoring on the SDGs;
NOW THEREFORE, on motion duly seconded, BE IT:
RESOLVED, AS IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Regional Statistics Committee (RSC) duly convened approves the creation of the Task Force on Citizen-Generated Data (CGD) with the following composition;
Chair: Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)
Co-chair: Jaime V. Ongpin Foundation, Inc. (JVOFI)
- National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA)
- TEBTEBBA (Indigenous Peoples’ International Centre for Policy Research and Education
- Local Government of Baguio City
- University of the Philippines – Cordillera Studies Center (UP-CSC) Baguio City
- CSO Representatives from all provinces
RESOLVE FURTHER, that TF may invite other agencies/institutions to sit as member of the TF as the need arises;
RESOLVE FURTHER, that TF shall 1) prepare an inventory of CGD in the region, 2) prepare an inventory of data gaps that could possibly addressed by available CGD; and 3) propose CGD quality measures to assess the viability of CGD for use in official reporting in regional SDGs and other key development indicator frameworks;
RESOLVE FURTHERMORE, that the TF will prepare report of the activities undertaken and outputs/accomplishments made by the group and report to the Committee during its regular meetings;
RESOLVE FINALLY, that copies of this resolution be given to all concerned agencies.
APPROVED this 20th day of February 2020 in Baguio City, Philippines.
Certified True and Correct:
RSC-CAR Head of Secretariat
(Chief, Statistical Operations and Coordination Division, PSA-CAR)
RSC-CAR Vice-Chair
(Regional Director, PSA-CAR)
RSC-CAR Chairperson
(Regional Director, NEDA-CAR)