WHEREAS, under Philippine Statistical Act of 2013, the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) is the central statistical authority of the Philippine government in primary data collection and the development of integrated social and economic statistics including the national
WHEREAS, the PSA regularly compiles the Quarterly and Annual National Accounts, the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) and the Gross Regional Domestic Expenditure (GRDE), Income and Outlay Accounts, Input-Output Accounts, Satellite Accounts including Tourism and Health, and other relevant macroeconomic indicators;
WHEREAS, granular statistics shall be generated and the data should be characterized further at the subregional level in order to better understand the performance of the economy, ensure more effective planning towards economic and social development, and respond to local and international commitments such as the Philippine and Regional Development Plan (FJPDP) 2023-2028 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs);
WHEREAS, the Provincial Product Accounts (PPA) aims to present a comprehensive picture of the subregional economies by providing a more appropriate measure and assessment of the economic performance and progress and development of all cities and provinces;
WHEREAS, the PSA started the compilation of the PPA of the City of Baguio and the six provinces of CAR in 2022 and is set to update estimates and compile the PPA annually; WHEREAS, the data required in the compilation of the PPA are generated from the results of censuses, surveys, and administrative reports of government offices and private establishments;
WHEREAS, the activities related to the data collection and compilation such as preparation and dissemination of data request letters and consolidation of data collected for the subnational economic accounts start in February 2024 to facilitate the conduct of the annual compilation and finalization workshops, and the release of both regional and provincial economic accounts before the end of 2024; annual compilation and finalization workshops, and the release of both regional and provincial economic accounts before the end of 2024;
WHEREAS, the PSA-CAR will gather city and provincial data covering the period 2021 to 2023 following strict confidentiality and protection of sensitive data following data privacy laws and regulations and will only release aggregate estimates;
NOW THEREFORE, on motion duly seconded, BE IT:
RESOLVED, AS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Regional Statistics Committee-Cordillera Administrative Region (RSC-CAR), duly assembled, requests all Regional Line Agencies, Local Government Units, and the private sector to provide the data needed for the compilation of the 2021 to 2023 Provincial Product Accounts (PPA) of the City of Baguio and the six provinces of CAR to the PSA-CAR;
RESOLVED FURTHER, that the PSA-CAR will supply the data collection forms to the agencies and institutions that are the source of the data, for them to complete thereby reflecting their accomplishments.
APPROVED this 22nd day of February 2024 in Baguio City, Philippines.
Certified true and correct:
Secretary, RSC-CAR
(Chief Statistical Specialist, PSA-CAR)
Attested by:
Vice-Chair, RSC-CAR
(Regional Director, PSA-CAR)
Approved by:
Chairperson, RSC-CAR
(Regional Director, NEDA-CAR)