WHEREAS, the PSA Board created the Regional Statistics Committee (RSC) through PSA Board Resolution No. 5 Series of 2015 to provide direction and guidance to regional/local statistical development activities;
WHEREAS, the RSC Summit is conducted every year to recognize the vital role of the Regional Statistics Committee (RSC) as the policymaking body on statistical matters in the region and lead partner in pursuing our country’s development plans;
WHEREAS, the fourth RSC Summit was held last November 14-15, 2019 at the 1898 Hotel Colonia en Las Filipinas, Makati City;
WHEREAS, a Declaration was prepared and presented during the summit to seek commitment from government agencies, local government units, private organizations, and the general public to support essential statistical activities especially in the formulation of better programs and policies for the improvement of lives of Filipinos at the local level, and ultimately, at the national level;
WHEREAS, the Declaration highlights the two (2) most important statistical events in the coming year – the support to the conduct of the 2020 Census of Population and Housing (CPH) and the implementation of the Community-Based Monitoring System (CBMS);
WHEREAS, the participants of the summit presented their comments on the specifics of the Declaration and were taken into account, and gave their affirmation to the contents of the Declaration;
WHEREAS, the Committee read and discussed the Declaration, and concurred to the objectives of the Declaration to widely promote the significance of the 2020 CPH and CBMS;
NOW, THEREFORE, on motion duly seconded, BE IT:
RESOLVED, AS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that the RSC-CAR adopts the 4th Regional Statistics Committee Summit Declaration and echo the call for everyone in the region to commit to the following:
- All government agencies, local goverbment units (LGUs), private organizations, and the general public in the Cordillera Adminstrative Region (CAR) to support and participate in the activities lined-up for the 2020 CPH and CBMS.
- All LGUs in CAR to issue directives to all their constituents to cooperate in the conduct of the 2020 CPH and CBMS by allowing enumerators to interview them and providing truthful and complete answers to questions.
- All government agencies in CAR to take into consideration the conduct of the 2020 CPH and CBMS in setting their data collection activities that may coincide with these two activities.
- All government agencies and LGUs in CAR to tap development partners for technical and financial assistance to respond to new and emerging developments in the local statistical system.
RESOLVED FURTHER, that the RSC member agencies, other regional line agencies, LGUs and private organizations shall be requested to:
- Post a copy of the Declaration on their Freedom of Information/Bulletin Boards; and
- Read the Declaration during one of their Flag Raising Ceremonies and/or staff/organizational meetings in a date not later than February 2020;
RESOLVED FURTHERMORE, that the Provincial Statistics Committees (PSCs) shall discuss during their first meeting on 2020 the Declaration and assist RSC-CAR to disseminate the Declaration to all concerned;
RESOLVED FURTHERMORE, that the PSCs thru the PSC Secretariats shall monitor the posting and reading of the Declaration by their respective provincial agencies and LGUs and shall provide a report to RSC-CAR thru the RSC Secretariat;
RESOLVED FURTHERMORE, that in provinces that did convene PSC meetings before or during February 2020, or in provinces without PSCs, the PSA Provincial Statistical Offices (PSOs) shall disseminate the Declaration, and prepare and submit reports to the RSC Secretariat;
RESOLVED FINALLY, that PSA RSSO-CAR and the PSOs shall be ready to attend to queries about the 2020 CPH and the CBMS when requested.
APPROVED this 21st day of November 2019 in Baguio City, Philippines.
Certified True and Correct:
RSC-CAR Head of Secretariat
(Chief, Statistical Operations and Coordination Division, PSA-CAR)
RSC-CAR Vice-Chair
(Regional Director, PSA-CAR)
RSC-CAR Chairperson
(Regional Director, NEDA-CAR)
Certified True and Correct:
RSC-CAR Head of Secretariat
(OIC, Statistical Operations and Coordination Division, PSA-CAR)
RSC-CAR Vice-Chair
(Regional Director, PSA-CAR)
RSC-CAR Chairperson
(Regional Director, NEDA-CAR)