WHEREAS, Republic Act (RA) No. 10625 mandates the PSA to prepare a Philippine Statistical Development Program( PSDP);
WHEREAS, PSDP 2018-2023 acknowledges that the absence of statistical units/personnel to perform statistical functions is one major reason for not being able to conduct statistical activities and implement data quality checks;
WHEREAS, to address this demand, the PSA Board passed PSA Board Resolution No. 01, s. 2019 entitled “Enjoining National and Local Government Entities to Establish Statistical Units and/or Positions”;
WHEREAS, the establishment of statistical units and/or positions aimed, among others, at : 1) enhancing the usefulness of data for policymaking; and 2) ensuring integrity of data to be collected;
WHEREAS, existing laws, rules and regulations, such as Section 76 of RA 7160 “ Local Government Code of 1991”, and Chapter 9 of the “Manual on Position Classification and Compensation” provide policies and guidelines on the organization, structure and staffing pattern of the LGUs;
WHEREAS, Cordillera shares the same findings with the national regarding the absence of statistical units/personnel;
WHEREAS, the region then highlighted in the CAR RSDP 2017-2023 in Chapter 3 the establishment of statistical mechanism and provision of necessary capability building activities as key development strategy;
WHEREAS, the committee finds the PSA Board Resolution No.01,s. 2019 beneficial and facilitates action towards the realization of the CAR RSDP’s vision to have a responsive, effective and efficient regional statistical system that delivers quality statistics, products and services for evidence-based decision and policy-making towards inclusive and sustainable growth of the Cordillera;
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, AS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Regional Statistics Committee strongly enjoins regional line agencies and local government units to establish statistical units and/or positions;
RESOLVED FURTHER, that regional line agencies and local government units where no such unit/position currently exists shall directly coordinate with DBM for the allocation of financial and human resources required for the establishments of statistical units/positions; and tap the assistance of the Philippine Statistical Research and Training Institute (PSRTI) in the conduct of relevant trainings to enhance capacities of designated focal persons/statistical staff;
RESOLVED FURTHERMORE, that pending the establishment of the needed statistical units/positions, these government entities shall designate focal persons to cater to their respective statistical requirements to ensure sustained production, dissemination and use of data for development planning and monitoring purposes;
RESOLVED FINALLY, that copies of this resolution be furnished to all the concerned agencies and local government units.
APPROVED, this 21st day of May 2019 in Baguio City, Philippines.
Certified True and Correct:
RSC-CAR Head of Secretariat
(OIC, Statistical Operations and Coordination Division, PSA-CAR)
RSC-CAR Vice-Chair
(Regional Director, PSA-CAR)
RSC-CAR Chairperson
(Regional Director, NEDA-CAR)