WHEREAS, the 1999-2004 Philippine Statistical Development Program (PSDP) was approved on February 24, 2000 through Proclamation No. 248 to serve as a framework for the member agencies of the Philippine Statistical System in formulating their statistical programs and projects;
WHEREAS, the 1999-2004 PSDP envisions to develop a proactive statistical community capable of providing relevant statistical information and excellent services to society towards sustainable development and growth with social equity;
WHEREAS, the government is currently formulating guidelines for the review of agencies' CY 2004 budgetary proposals for statistical operations;
WHEREAS, the National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB), the Philippine policy making and coordinating body on statistical matters, reviews agencies' budgetary proposals for statistical operations;
WHEREAS, the above function is being implemented in CAR by the Regional Statistical Coordination Committee (RSCC) as the policy making and coordinating body on statistical matters in the region;
WHEREAS, to ensure integration of CAR's statistical concerns into the CY 2004 budgetary thrusts of the Philippine Statistical System (PSS), there is a need to identify the region's priority statistical budgetary items consistent with the 1999-2004 Philippine Statistical Development Program (PSDP);
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, AS September 4, 2012sts of the CAR Statistical System for CY 2004 to wit:
Generation and dissemination of regional, provincial and municipal data to support implementation of the Cordillera Regional Development Plan and Development Plans of the Local Government Units (LGUs)
- Generation and dissemination of data from administrative-based and survey data;
- Decentralization of data processing and dissemination
- Generation and dissemination of lower level disaggregated data;
- Generation and dissemination of sex-disaggregated data;
Strengthening data dissemination/accessibility and preserving the weal September 4, 2012
- Establishment of computer-based databases and Geographic Information Systems;
- Development of electronic publications and statistical information networks;
- Electronic archiving of statistical outputs;
Developing the statistical capacity of regional and local government offices
- Designation of statistics to be generated by LGUs;
- Promotion of relevant statistical training programs and workshops;
- Conduct of relevant data users-producers forum, statistical conferences, and related fora;
RESOLVED, FURTHER, to request the NSCB to integrate CAR's priority budgetary items into the over-all CY2004 budgetary thrusts of the PSS;
REOSLVED, FINALLY, to enjoin all regional offices and LGUs to incorporate the necessary requirements to achieve the above thrusts in their CY 2004 budget proposals, and the regional offices to make representations with their Central Offices for the inclusion of their proposals in the over-all agency budget.
APPROVED this 28th day of April 2003 in Baguio City, Philippines.
Regional Unit Head,
Secretary, RSCC-CAR
Regional Director,
Chairman, RSCC-CAR