WHEREAS, the Philippine Standard Occupational Classification (PSOC) is a statistical classification of the different occupations of the population used to ensure uniformity and comparability of occupational statistics compiled in the country;
WHEREAS, the PSOC is used in various censuses and surveys, job placement and recruitment services, vocational training and guidance, immigration purposes and related activities. Moreover, it also provides a basis for manpower/educational planning and policy decision-making;
WHEREAS, it is patterned after the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO) of the International Labour Organization (ILO) modified to suit national requirements.
WHEREAS, the national Technical Working Group on Occupational Classifications (TWG-OC) is currently in the process of preparing the 2011 PSOC in view of the release by the ILO of the 2008 ISCO;
WHEREAS, the 2011 PSOC is scheduled to be presented for approval by the NSCB Executive Board during its 2 nd quarter meeting ;
WHEREAS, the updating of the PSOC represents a unique opportunity for IPs in the Philippines to advocate for the recognition of traditional knowledge through the inclusion of traditional occupations within a specific statistical classification system;
WHEREAS, recognition of traditional occupations may help promote the preservation of traditional knowledge and facilitate the generation of occupational statistics on IPs in the future;
WHEREAS, the RSCC-TWG has prepared and refined a list of traditional occupations which has integrated inputs from the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples, RSCC partner agencies and civil society;
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, AS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, to approve and endorse the list of traditional occupations as hereto attached;
RESOLVED FURTHER, that copies of this Resolution be forwarded to the Committee on Indigenous Peoples Concerns, NSCB Central Office and the TWG-OC for their information and appropriate action.
APPROVED this 29th day of April 2011 at Baguio City, Philippines.
Secretary, RSCC-CAR
Regional Head, NSCB-CAR
Regional Director, NEDA-CAR