The 2023 ULE was undertaken to collect information on the status of operation and updated characteristics of establishments. It added newly captured establishments, including establishments which started their operations between 2020 to 2023; delisted establishments which permanently stopped operations; maintained establishments which temporarily stopped its operations at the time of visit; and updated the characteristics of establishments still in operation.
More female manages the establishments in Cordillera in 2023
• The 2023 List of Establishments (LE) logged a total 1.2 million establishments in the Philippines and 2.39% of it were listed in the region.
• Nationwide, 51.01% were male holding the highest position in the establishments while 48.62% were female. On the other hand, more female (a total of 17,614) holds the highest position in the establishments in the Cordillera than male with a total of 12,232.
• Moreover, there were 4,609 persons in the country who were not reported in the list of individuals holding the highest position.
Most industry sections are dominated by male in CAR
• Males in the Cordillera hold the highest position in the 12 out of 18 industry sections such as the agriculture, forestry, and fishing; mining and quarrying; manufacturing; electricity, gas, steam, and air conditioning supply; water supply, sewerage, waste management, and remediation activities; construction; transportation and storage; information and communication; financial and insurance activities; real estate activities; professional, scientific, and technical activities; and arts, entertainment, and recreation. The rest of the industry sections were dominated by female.
Figure 1. Top 5 Industry Sections in the Establishments in Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) by Sex of Person with the Highest Position: 2023

• Almost half (49.25%) of the top positions in Cordillera were contributed by wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles with 9,253 females and 5,445 males leading the establishments. Second was accommodation and food service activities with 19.27% managed by 3,839 females and 1,911 males. Third, manufacturing contributed 9.07% with more male than female leaders. Fourth, other service activities comprising 5.95% and fifth industry section was financial and insurance activities with a share of 3.42% with 588 males and 433 females overseeing the establishments.
• Other industry sections comprise below 3% whereas the male and female leaders of the establishments also comprise less than 3%.
Benguet records largest number of establishments in CAR
• There were 21,048 or 70.52% establishments listed in Benguet being headed by 8,234 males and 12,814 females. It was followed by Mountain Province with a share of 7.07% of the total establishments led by 777 males and 1,332 females. The province of Abra documented the third highest total number of establishments with 6.36% share while provinces of Ifugao and Kalinga recorded the fourth and fifth with 6.23% and 6.02% shares, correspondingly. Apayao registered the lowest total number of establishments with 3.80% share being covered by 556 male and 579 female leaders.
• Only Abra establishments were dominated by males holding the highest positions, while the other five provinces were female-led.
Figure 2. Number of Establishments in Operation by Sex of Person Holding the Highest Position by Province: 2023

All provinces and HUC share same topmost industry section
• Across all the provinces including the City of Baguio displayed similar topmost industry section in establishments which was the Wholesale and Retail Trade; Repair of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles. All of them accumulated above forty percent.
• Second most industry section for Abra, Apayao, and Kalinga was Manufacturing with 22.56%, 18.06%, and 20.75%, respectively. Their third most was Accommodation and Food Service Activities with 14.34%, 16.03%, and 10.73%, respectively.
• The provinces of Benguet, Ifugao, and Mountain Province had common third prominent industry section namely Manufacturing and only the City of Baguio had Other Service Activities as its third.
Figure 3. Top 3 Industry Sections in the Establishments in the Cordillera by Province/Highly Urbanized City (HUC): 2023

Regional Director
Establishment is defined as an economic unit under a single ownership or control; engages in one or predominantly one kind of economic activity; and at a single fixated physical location.
Updating of the List of Establishments (ULE) is a regular activity undertaken to provide an updated and reliable list of establishments. It’s being done during the reference year of the Census of Philippine Business and Industry (CPBI), that is, one year prior to the actual census data collection.
Industry Sections typically refer to broad categories or divisions of establishments within the economy that derives major income or revenue.
Highest Position the topmost level of authority or responsibility in a particular setting, like a company or government.