The Philippine Statistics Authority – Cordillera Administrative Region (PSA-CAR) conducted the 2024 Redesigned Crops Production Survey Second Level Training at Prince Plaza Hotel, Legarda Road, Baguio City last 05-07 March 2024. The objective of the training was to equip and provide the participants information on the background of the survey, uses of data, operational concepts and definition of terms, and the use of Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) and Data Processing System.
The Crops Production Survey (CrPS) is one of the major agricultural surveys conducted by the PSA. This survey aims to generate estimates on volume of production, area planted/harvested, number of bearing trees/hills/vines, and farmgate prices for crops other than palay and corn at the national sub-national levels.
The CrPS adopted a new sampling design on the third quarter of the 2023 round through PSA Board Resolution No. 14, Series of 2023 entitled, “Approving and Adopting the New Sampling Design of the Crops Production Survey.” This involves separate sampling designs for household-based and establishment-based farms. Moreover, the CrPS will also collect data on farmgate prices that was previously collected in the Farm Prices Survey. For data collection, the CrPS will utilize CAPI and/or Pen-and-Paper Interviewing (PAPI).
Production data generated from the CrPS are inputs to the Value of Production in Philippine Agriculture and Fisheries and accordingly to the preparation of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The survey supports the data needs of planners, policy and decision-makers, and other stakeholders in the agriculture sector.

PSA-CO Senior Statistical Specialist Abella A. Regala, Statistical Specialist I Israel B. Agustin, PSA-CAR Supervising Statistical Specialist Warren B. Mamanteo and PSA-Benguet Statistical Analyst Stonewall M. Santiago served as the resource speakers during the three-day training. The participants were the CrPS Provincial Focal Persons (PFPs) together with the alternate PFPs of the six provinces of CAR, and the alternate Regional Focal Person.
PSA enjoins the public to support the conduct of the quarterly CrPS by providing truthful information when being interviewed by the hired Statistical Researchers. Rest assured that all data obtained from the sample respondents shall be kept in strict confidentiality and are not used for purposes of taxation, investigation or regulation as provided under Republic Act 10173 or the Data Privacy Act of 2012.
Regional Director