This special release presents the applications for civil registry documents such as Certificate of Live Birth (COLB), Certificate of Marriage (COM), Certificate of Death (COD) and Certificate of No Marriage (CENOMAR) in the province of Ifugao. This publication shows the total number of requested civil registry documents for the year duration of January-December 2022. Batch Request Entry System (BREQS) monthly reports served as the source of data in preparation of this special release.
The Certificate of Live Birth (COLB)/Birth Certificate is a vital record that establishes the birth of a child. It is an official form that gives details on the time and place of a person’s birth, and his or her name, sex, mother’s name and (usually) father’s name. The word “birth certificate” can refer to either the original document or a certified true copy of or representation of the original record of birth document.
Table 1 shows a total of 3725 requested birth certificates in the province of Ifugao for year 2022. Third quarter recorded the highest at 35.20%. It was followed by second quarter, first quarter and fourth quarter with 26.70%, 24.60% and 13.5%, respectively.
TABLE 1. Total Requested Birth Certificates, Ifugao: 1st - 4th Quarter 2022
The Certificate of Marriage (COM)/Marriage Certificate is a document containing the important details of marriage, signed by the couple and by all in attendance.
Table 2 shows a total of 471 requested marriage certificates in the province of Ifugao for year 2022, with second quarter leading at 31.20%. It was followed by first quarter, third quarter and fourth quarter with 26.80%, 25.10% and 17.0% respectively.
TABLE 2. Total Requested Marriage Certificates, Ifugao: 1st - 4th Quarter 2022
The Certificate of Death/Death Certificate is a document containing the important details of marriage, signed by the couple and by all in attendance.
Table 3 shows a total of 83 requested death certificates in the province of Ifugao for year 2022, with a tie between the first (30.10%) and third quarter (30.10%). It was followed by the second and fourth quarter with 25.30% and 14.50% respectively.
TABLE 3. Total Requested Death Certificates, Ifugao: 1st - 4th Quarter 2022
A Certificate of No Marriage Record (CENOMAR) is simply what its name implies. It is a certification issued by the PSA stating that a person has not contracted any marriage. Also called a certificate of No Record of Marriage or Certificate of Singleness.
Table 4 shows a total of 606 requested civil registry documents for the year 2022 with birth certificate (75.80%) as the leading document, followed by CENOMAR, marriage, death certificate with 12.30%, 9.6%, and 1.7% respectively.
TABLE 4. Total Requested CENOMAR, Ifugao: 1st - 4th Quarter 2022
Table 5 shows a total of 4912 requested civil registry documents for the year 2022 with birth certificate (75.80%) as the leading document, followed by CENOMAR, marriage, death certificate with 12.30%, 9.60%, and 1.70% respectively.
Table 5. Overall Total Requests of Civil Registry Documents per Quarter and by Document Type
Figure 1 shows the distribution of data requests for the whole year. A total of 4912 documents were being requested for the year 2022, and only the month of August has the highest number of requests for all civil registry documents with 746 or 15.20%, followed by the month of March and June with 10.70% and 10.40%, respectively. The Request for Certificate of Live Birth got the highest number in August.
FIGURE 1. Breakdown of Civil Registry Documents per Month and by Document Type for the Year 2022
Chief Statistical Specialist
Provincial Statistical Office-Ifugao