The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)-Benguet Provincial Statistical Office is currently conducting the 2023 Updating of List of Aquaculture Farms (ULAF) from 12 July to 19 September 2023. The ULAF aims to collect data and information on all aquafarms in the country. The information will be used for the continuous development of statistical sampling frame for quarterly aquaculture surveys. As the PSA is currently engaged in improving the conduct of aquaculture surveys in the country, sampling frame updating is necessary to keep up with the fast-changing aquaculture sector prior to the implementation of the redesigned surveys.
The ULAF covers all the municipalities of Benguet including Baguio City. Five (5) hired Enumerators (ENs) were involved in the listing activity. The Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) approach is being employed in this listing activity.
PSA is committed to deliver relevant and reliable statistics. Hence, the agency encourages the public, especially the sample households, to participate in the various censuses and surveys conducted by PSA.
Under Section 26 of Republic Act 10625, the household-supplied information will be held strictly confidential and the report cannot be used for purposes of taxation, investigation, or enforcement procedure, nor will be published except in the form of statistical summaries which no reference to any individual person shall appear.
Chief Statistical Specialist