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I. Overview

The Client Satisfaction Measurement (CSM) is conducted to determine clients’ perceptions regarding their satisfaction with the civil registration services that the Philippines Statistics Authority (PSA) provides, specifically in the issuance of copies of civil registry documents and certifications. The resulting satisfaction rating is one of the key performance indicators being reported for the Agency Performance Measures and in compliance with Anti-Red Tape Authority (ARTA) Memorandum Circular No. 2022-05, series of 2022 and Memorandum Circular 2021-1 issued by the Office of the President, Inter-Agency Task Force dated 03 June 2021.


II. Scope

The PSA Client Satisfaction Measurement (CSM) is conducted quarterly in PSA Civil Registry System (CRS) Outlets nationwide including Tabuk City Outlet.


III. Methodology

Tabuk City CRS outlet administered the CSM to clients with completed transactions, whether single or multiple transactions. A transaction is considered complete when the final step of the service availed of per the Citizen’s Charter of the PSA is accomplished.

The PSA CSM is conducted on a quarterly basis each year in consonance with the reporting period of the Agency Performance Measures and Budget Accountability Report (BAP).

The CSM was administered through a Computer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI) by an interviewer. The interviewer or data collector collects a total of 30 respondents per day following the interval given of 3 which was provided by CRS-ITP2 PMO. It is conducted for 5 consecutive days on the second week of December.

The manner of collection of survey questionnaires shall not exceed five minutes. It was brief to maximize the responses and shall maintain the confidentiality of clients.

Prior to the actual conduct of data gathering, the enumerators were briefed regarding their responsibilities and expected outputs from the survey. The data gathering ran from 8:00am to 5:00pm daily ensuring the representation of respondents in the morning and in the afternoon to account for possible differences in satisfaction based on the time of the day. The enumerator followed the required procedure in sample selection. During the field operations, enumerator was advised to observe proper decorum during an interview, deliver questions verbatim and avoid leading questions while probing.

The enumerator and the personnel involved in the conduct of CSM shall be treated with strict confidentiality. All personal information and sensitive personal information which shall be gathered during the survey and adhere to the non- disclosure of the same pursuant to Republic Act No. 10173 otherwise known as the “Data Privacy Act of 2012.”


IV. Results of the Harmonized CSM for FY 2023

A. Coverage and Response Rate

The Client Satisfaction Measurement (CSM) was administered to 150 samples at Tabuk City CRS outlet with 100% response rate.

B. Demographic Characteristics

The demographic profile of respondents revealed a gender distribution, with a majority of respondents identified as female with 70.67% while male constitutes 29.33% of the overall samples. Most of the clients served were aged 25-29 with 27.33% followed by aged 30-34 with 13.33% from the overall sample survey.


Table 1. Number and Percent Distribution by Demographic Characteristics of Tabuk City Outlet: Second Quarter 2024


Most of the samples are from Kalinga with 90.67%. In addition, few are from outside Kalinga with 9.33 percent only. Regarding their educational attainment, most of the samples are college graduate with 48 percent compared to the high school graduate with 39.33% and elementary graduate with 8%.

Table 2. Number and Percent Distribution on the Respondents Awareness of Citizen's Charter (CC) of Tabuk City Outlet: Second Quarter 2024


CC1 indicates 97.3% awareness of respondents on the citizens charter located at the entrance of the outlet while 2.7% learned upon seeing the citizen’s charter.

Respondents have showed 97.3% visibility of the Citizens charter while 2.7% indicated that the citizens charter was not visible.

Accordingly, the Citizens Charter has significantly helped 99.3% of the clients. Nevertheless, 0.7 indicated a small help to him/her.

Table 3. Overall Satisfaction Rating by Service Quality Dimensions: Second Quarter 2024


The comprehensive assessment of service quality dimensions of the Civil Registration Services (CRS) in Tabuk City achieved an overall rating of 4.99% equivalent to "Very Satisfied," signifying a commendable level of satisfaction with the services rendered by the outlet. It is from the integrity and assurance of the associates with 5.0%. Responsiveness, Reliability, Access and Facilities and Cost of documents revealed a 4.99% rating. Communication with 4.98%.

Table 4. Satisfaction Rating by Service Category: Second Quarter 2024


Table 4 delineates the evaluation of additional access and facilities, wherein respondents assigned a rating of 5% for clean surroundings and comfort rooms. Safety and comfortability at 4.99% and enough chairs at 4.97% at the Civil Registration Services (CRS) Tabuk City, Outlet. To sum up, 4.99% rating was attained equivalent to very satisfied clients.

Table 5. Overall Satisfaction Rating at Tabuk City Outlet: Second Quarter 2024


It is shown in the table that the overall satisfaction rating of the outlet is 4.98 % with a rating of very satisfied.

Table 6. Services Provided by Philippine Statistics Authority


Among the services provided by PSA, Birth copy issuance has the highest count with 120 out of the 150 samples. In contrary, Death copy issuance hand certification of death of CENODEATH as the least in number with only 2 and 1 respectively.


The clients of the CRS outlet were very much aware and saw the citizens character placed at the entrance of the CRS outlet. It has reached a 97.33% rating while the other four became aware only upon seeing at the outlet.


The service quality dimensions of the Civil Registration Services (CRS) in Tabuk City achieved an overall rating of 5.0% equivalent to "Very Satisfied," signifying a commendable level of satisfaction with the services rendered by the outlet. It is from the responsiveness, reliability of the associates. Access and facilities, communication and cost of documents revealed a 5.0% rating and also with integrity, assurance and outcome.


The above mentioned were the complaint, suggestion and commendation from the clients of CRS outlet Tabuk City. There were commendable comments and suggestions.





Chief Statistical Specialist

Client Satisfaction Measurement 2024 (Second Quarter)

The Client Satisfaction Measurement (CSM) is conducted to determine clients’ perceptions regarding their satisfaction with the civil registration services that the Philippines Statistics Authority (…