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SR 2021-26
The 2019 Functional Literacy, Education and Mass Media Survey (FLEMMS) is the sixth in the series of functional literacy surveys conducted by Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA). The five previous rounds were conducted in 1989, 1994, 2003, 2008 and 2013. This survey provides baseline information on education and literacy status of the population, and is intended to be a reliable baseline to inform the formulation and monitoring of a wide range of policies and programs related to education and literacy and as an advocacy tool for national policies and development plans.

The 2019 FLEMMS provides highlights on: 1.) the highest educational attainment and basic literacy status of the population 5 years old or over; 2.) functional literacy status of the population 10 to 64 years old; and .3) exposure to the different forms of mass media.

In 2019, 98.0 percent of population 3 years old and over were attending school in of the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR).

2nd region with the most resident who reach at least college level or higher

  • Among regions, CAR ranked second as the region with the most residents who reached at least college level or higher with 2.1 percent difference from that of the National Capital Region (NCR), the region with most residents who had at least a college level or higher education.
Table 1. Percent Distribution of Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Educational
Attainment, CAR and Philippines: 2019
  Population 5 Years old and Over
Population 5 years old and over (with answer in HEA)
No grade completed/ Early Childhood Education
College graduate or higher
Philippines 96,750 95,933 7.1 11.8
CAR 1,615 1,583 7.0 15.5


In the Cordillera Administrative Region, the percentage of population who were literate and can do basic math improved. Those with basic or simple literacy increased from 94.9 percent in 2013 to 95.5 percent in 2019. On the other hand, persons with functional literacy increased from 91.2 percent in 2013 to 92.0 percent in 2019.
96 out of 100 Cordilleran 10 years old and over are basically literate
  • Basic or simple literacy is the ability of a person to read and write with understanding a simple message in any language or dialect. In 2019, 96.5 percent of 86 million Filipinos 10 years old and over nationwide were basically literate. Basic literacy rate in the Philippines remained the same as during the two periods.
  • In CAR, basic or simple literacy of population 10 years old and slightly increased to 95.5 percent in 2019 as compared to 94.9 percent in 2013. In 2019, there were more females (96.0 percent) who can read and write than the males (95.1 percent), with 0.9 percent difference.
Figure 1. Basic literacy rate of population 10 years old and
over by sex, CAR: 2013 and 2019
  • From the 13th spot as the most literate region in the Philippines in 2013, the Cordillera region climbed up to the 7th spot in 2019 as the region with the most literate population among regions in the country.
Table 2. Percentage of basic literacy rate of population 10 years old and
over by sex, CAR and Philippines: 2013 and 2019
  2019 Basic Literacy Rate (in Percent) 2013 Basic literacy rate (in percent)
Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male  Female
Philippines 96.5 95.9 97.1 96.5 96.1 97.0
Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) 95.5 95.1 96.0 94.9 94.8 94.9


9 in 10 Cordilleran are functionally literacy

  • Functional literacy is a significantly higher level of literacy which includes not only reading and writing skills but also numeracy skills. In CAR, the functional literacy rate from 2013 slightly increased in 2019 by 0.8 percentage point. This was from the record of 91.2 percent functional literacy rate in 2013 to 92.0 percent in 2019. This was slightly higher than the overall functional literacy rate of 91.6 percent in the country in 2019.
  • Female Cordillerans 10 to 64 years old were more functionally literate than the males in 2019. As compared to 2013, there were more females (93.8 percent) who had higher numeracy skills than the males (90.4 percent) in 2019. Functional literacy among males and females in 2013 were at 89.7 percent and 92.9 percent, respectively.
Figure 2. Percentage increase of basic literacy rate of population 10 years old
and over by sex, CAR: 2013 and 2019
Table 3. Percentage of Functional literacy rate of population 10 to
64 years old, by sex, CAR and Philippines: 2013 and 2019
  2019 Functional Literacy Rate (in Percent) 2013 Functional Literacy rate (in percent)
Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male  Female
Philippines 91.6 90.2 92.9 90.3 88.7 92.0
Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) 92.0 90.4 93.8 91.2 89.7 92.9
Notes: Green/Red values in 2019 are significantly higher/lower than their corresponding values in 2013 at 5% significance level
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority
6 in 10 of Cordilleran 3 to 30 years old and over attends school
  • In terms of school attendance, almost six in ten of the population (58.1 percent) 3 to 30 years old were currently attending school in 2019 in the Cordillera region, while 41.9 percent were not.
  • The age group with the highest number of persons not attending school belong to the age groups 3 to 4 years old and 18 to 30 years old with a percentage of 69.5 and 78.4, respectively.
  • By level of education, most of the population 3 to 30 years old were in the elementary level with 37.5 percent, followed by Junior High School with 28.7 percent, and Senior High School lwith 11.1 percent. Meanwhile, about 10.9 percent reached College level, while only 0.3 percent were College graduates or had tertiary education.
Figure 3. Percentage of Percentage of population 3 to 30 years old currently
attending school by age group, education level, CAR: 2019
  • The age group 6 to 11 years old recorded the highest number of attendance in school with 98.6 percent, followed by the age groups 12 to 15 years old with 96.2 percent, 5 years old with 94.0 percent, and 16 to 17 years old with 89.1 percent.
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