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The 2013 ASPBI is one of the designated statistical activities of the former National Statistics Office (NSO) now Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA). Data collected from the survey will provide information on the levels, structure, performance and trends of economic activities of the formal sector of the economy for the reference period 2013. The results of the survey are inputs to the measurement and comparison of national and regional economic growths.

Number of Establishments by Section

  • As of 2013, the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) had 422 business establishments with 20 and over total number of employees. The number of establishments increased by 84.3% from the 229 number of establishments in the region last 2010.
  • Accommodation and Food Service Activities dominate the business industry in the region with 107 related establishments or 25.4% of the total number of establishments, followed by Education with a total of 87 (20.6%). The third largest sector was the Wholesale and Retail Trade with a total number of 81 translating to 19.2% share of the total number of establishments.

  • The industries that accounted for the least number of establishments belong to Water Supply Sewerage, Waste Management and Remediation Activities and Arts, Entertainment and Recreation Activities (3), Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing (2), and Other Services Activities (1).

Employment by Section

  • The total number of employed persons in business industries in CAR for year 2013 was 39,797. This was an increase of 29% from the 30,957 number of individuals employed by the industry section in 2010.
  • Education employed the biggest number of workers with 7,747 employees that accounted to a share of 19.5% of the total employment in the region. Manufacturing came next with 5,971 or 15% of the total employed by the industries in CAR. The Administrative and Support Service Activities ranked third with 4,624 employed persons accounting to 11.6 % of the total employed by establishments with 20 and more workers.
  • Establishments with the least number of employed persons were the sections of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing Industry (77), Arts, Entertainment and Recreation Industry (63), and Other Services Activities (20).

Top Revenue Earner

  • The total revenue of all establishments in CAR with employment of 20 and over amounted to PhP 218 Billion. The amount accounted for 1.9% of the total revenue of the entire country amounting to PhP 11.4 Trillion.
  • Manufacturing was the top revenue earner in CAR in 2013 with estimated revenue of PhP 159 Billion, comprising almost three-fourths (72.7% share) of the total regional revenue. Wholesale and Retail Trade, and Repair of Vehicles and Motorcycles establishments followed with revenue of PhP 16 Billion or 7.4% of the region’s total. Meanwhile, establishments in Mining and Quarrying produced revenue of PhP 14 Billion or 5.8% of the region’s total earnings.
  • The Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities, Other Service Activities, and Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing were the lowest revenue earners.

Total Value Added

  • The total value added generated by CAR establishments amounted to PhP 53.1 Billion for the year 2013. This was an increase of 44% from the amount of PhP 36.9 Billion last 2010.
  • The Manufacturing sector dominated the economy in the region with estimated value added of PhP 26.4 Billion. This comprised half of the region’s total. Electricity, Gas, Stream and Air Conditioning Supply followed with PhP 9.9 Billion in value added (18.6% share). Establishments in Mining and Quarrying sector came third with PhP 5.8 Billion (10.9% share).
  • Other Service Activities sector provided the least contribution to the economy of CAR in 2013 with an estimated value added of PhP 1.15 Million followed by the Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing sector with PhP 4.7 Million estimated value added. The Arts, Entertainment and Recreation sector ranked third with an estimated value added of P23.9 Million.


Technical Notes

Economic activity or business is the activity of the establishment as classified under the 2009 Philippine Standard Industrial Classification (PSIC). Generally, the main activity of the establishment is the establishment's principal source of income. If the establishment is engaged in several activities, its main activity is that which earns the biggest income or revenue.

Total employment is the number of persons who worked in or for this establishment as of November 15, 2013.

Paid employees are all persons working in the establishment and receiving pay, as well as those working away from the establishment paid by and under the control of the establishment. Included are all employees on sick leave, paid vacation or holiday. Excluded are consultants, home workers, workers receiving pure commissions only, and workers on indefinite leave.

Salaries and wages are payments in cash or in kind to all employees, prior to deductions for employee’s contributions to SSS/GSIS, withholding tax, etc. Included are total basic pay, overtime pay, and other benefits.

Revenue is the value of goods, products/by-products sold and/or services rendered to others whether paid in cash or is considered receivable by the establishment. Valuation of products/by products sold should be in producer’s price (ex-establishment), net of discounts and allowances, including duties and charges but excluding subsidies. It also include goods transferred and/or services rendered to other establishment belonging to the same enterprise as the said establishment which should be treated as sales or as if sold to a customer; and revenue from products on a contractual basis from materials supplied by the establishment.

Cost refers to all expenses excluding compensation incurred during the year whether paid or payable. Valuation should be at purchaser price including taxes and other charges, net of discounts, rebates, returns and allowances. Goods received from and services rendered by other establishment of the same enterprise are valued as though purchased.

Fixed assets are physical assets expected to have productive lives of more than one year and intended for use and/or being used by the establishment. Included are land, buildings, other structures and land improvements, transport equipment, machinery and equipment, furniture, fixtures, and other fixed assets.

Book value of tangible fixed assets is the initial value or acquisition cost of tangible fixed assets less the accumulated depreciation.

Gross additions to tangible fixed assets is the sum of cost of new and used fixed assets acquired during the year, cost of alteration and improvements done by others and cost of fixed assets produced by the establishment less the value of sales of fixed assets during the year.

Valued added is gross output less intermediate cost.

Gross output for Arts, Entertainment and Recreation is the sum of the total revenue (less interest income, rent income from land, dividend income, royalty income, franchise income and foreign exchange gains), capital expenditures of fixed assets produced on own account and change in inventories.

Intermediate input is equal to the sum of the following cost items: materials and supplies purchased; fuels, lubricants, oils and greases purchased; electricity and water purchased; cost of industrial services done by others; cost of non-industrial services done by others; goods purchased for resale; research and experimental development expense; environmental protection expense; royalty fee; franchise fee and other cost.

Inventories refer to the stocks of goods owned by and under the control of the establishment as of a fixed date, regardless of where the stocks are located. Valuation should be at current replacement cost in purchaser’s price at the indicated dates. Replacement cost is the cost of an item in terms of its present price rather than its original price.

Change in inventories is equivalent to the total value of inventories at the end of the year less the value at the beginning of the year.

Subsidies are special grants in the form of financial assistance or tax exemption or tax privilege given by the government to aid and develop an industry or production and to protect it against competition.



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