Household population of Baguio City comprises 99.12 percent of the total population
- The total population of Baguio City as of May 1, 2020 was 366,358 persons. Of this total, the household population comprised 99.12 percent or 363,151 persons. This is higher by 20,951 persons over the 2015 census figure of 342,200, and 47,351 more than the 315,800 household population posted in 2010.
- The remaining 0.88 percent (3,207 persons) of the total population was accounted by the institutional population or whose usual place of residence are institutional living quarters such as as hotels, lodging houses, and dormitories; hospitals and nurses’ homes; orphanages and welfare institutions; corrective and penal institutions; convents, nunneries, seminaries, and boarding schools; military camps; logging, mining, construction and public works camps; oceangoing, interisland, and coastal vessels; and refugee camps.
Table 1. Total, Household and Institutional Population of Baguio City (Based on 2000, 2010, 2015 and 2020 Censuses)
Figure 1. The Baguio City’s Population: 2020
Number of households increases by 10,223 in 2020
- The number of households for Baguio City in 2020 reached 100,220, higher by 10,223 households compared with 89,987 households in 2015 and by 21,907 in 2010.
Average household size of the city in 2020 is 3.6 persons
- The city’s average household size decreased from 3.8 persons in 2015 to 3.6 persons in 2020. In 2010, there were 4.0 persons, on average, per household.
Table 2. Household Population, Number of Households and Average Household Size: Baguio City, 2010, 2015 and 2020 (Based on 2000, 2010, 2015 and 2020 Censuses)