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Reference Number: SR 2020-39


  • As of 1 July 2015, the estimated total population in the Cordillera region was 1,720,134. This was composed of 878,386 males (51.1 percent) and 841,748 females (48.9 percent)
  • The sex ratio in the region was 104 males per 100 females. This means that CAR has more men than women.

Figure 1. Population in CAR as of July 1, 2015 by Sex


  • With the use of past census data, the projected total population in CAR on July 1, 2021 is 1,822,719 with 50.9 percent (927,042) males and 49.1 percent (895,677) females.
  • On 2021, the sex ratio will also remain the same with 2015. In other words, there will still be more men than women in CAR.
  • Moreover, the projected total population in CAR by 2021 represents 6.0 percent increase in population compared to 2015.
  • Between 2015 and 2021, the female population will grow at a faster rate (6.4 percent) than the male population (5.5 percent).
Figure 2. Estimated Mid-Year Population in CAR on 2021 by Sex
  • In 2015, children with ages 5 to 9 had the highest total population in CAR estimated at 180,608 followed by children with age 0 to 4 estimated at 179,236.
  • In the projected mid-year population on 2021, the age group 0 to 4 will have the largest number of population in CAR at 182,265 followed by the age group 5 to 9 (180,526 population).
  • The age group 65 to 69 will be the five-year age group with the largest percent increase (26.8 percent) followed by the 70 to 74 age group (26.7 percent).
  • On the other hand, the five-year age group with the largest percent decrease on 2021 will be the population aged 80 and over at 3.4 percent decrease.


Table 1. Projected Mid-Year Population on 2021 by Age Group in CAR
Age Group Projected Mid-Year Population % Change
July 1, 2015 July 1, 2021
0-4 179,236 182,265 1.7
5-9 180,608 180,526 (0.0)
10-14 176,200 174,689 (0.9)
15-19 179,150 173,698 (3.0)
20-24 175,253 176,980 1.0
25-29 150,259 159,516 6.2
30-34 126,047 147,881 17.3
35-39 108,207 129,190 19.4
40-44 90,462 106,134 17.3
45-49 84,993 91,653 7.8
50-54 74,764 77,459 3.6
55-59 62,003 67,414 8.7
60-64 46,143 54,029 17.1
65-69 31,641 40,108 26.8
70-74 21,039 26,657 26.7
75-79 16,573 17,564 6.0
80 and over 17,556 16,956 (3.4)
Source Philippine Statistics Authority


  • In 2015, age group 5 to 9 had the largest number of male population in the region estimated at 92,562 followed by the age group 0 to 4 with 92,090 populations.
  • In the projected mid-year population of male by 2021, children with ages 0 to 4 will have the largest number of with 93,663 followed by children who are 5 to 9 years old.
  • Following this trend on 2021, the age group 70 to 74 will be the five-year age group with the largest percent increase with 29.8 percent among male population followed by the 65 to 69 age group with 24.2 percent projected increase.
  • On the other hand, the five-year age group with the largest percent decrease will be the male population aged 80 years old and over with 3.5 percent decrease.

Table 2. 2021 Projected Male Population in CAR by Age Group


Age Group Projected Mid-Year Male Population % Change
July 1, 2015 July 1, 2021
0-4 92,090 93,663 1.7
5-9 92,562 92,207 (0.4)
10-14 90,457 89,250 (1.3)
15-19 90,455 88,297 (2.4)
20-24 89,339 91,973 2.9
25-29 78,329 83,319 6.4
30-34 66,592 76,379 14.7
35-39 56,709 66,182 16.7
40-44 47,432 54,840 15.6
45-49 43,876 47,158 7.5
50-54 38,549 39,588 2.7
55-59 31,408 33,618 7.0
60-64 22,778 26,067 14.4
65-69 15,010 18,644 24.2
70-74 9,301 12,076 29.8
75-79 6,916 7,429 7.4
80 and over 6,583 6,352 (3.5)
Source Philippine Statistics Authority



  • Among the female population in 2015, age group 15 to 19 will have the highest number of population in CAR with 88,695 followed by the age group 5 to 9 with 88,046 population.
  • Meanwhile, the age group with the largest number of female population by 2021 will be 0 to 4 estimated at 88,602 followed by the age group 5 to 9 with 88,319 projected population.
  • Between 2015 and 2021, the age group 65 to 69 will have the highest percent increase in the female population with an estimated 29.1 percent increase followed by age group 70 to 74 with 24.2 percent.
  • Age group 80 and over of female population will have the largest percent decrease with 3.4 percent projected decrease.

Table 3. 2021 Projected Female Population in CAR by Age Group

Age Group Projected Mid-Year Female Population % Change
July 1, 2015 July 1, 2021
0-4 87,146 88,602 1.7
5-9 88,046 88,319 0.3
10-14 85,743 85,439 (0.4)
15-19 88,695 85,401 (3.7)
20-24 85,914 85,007 (1.1)
25-29 71,930 76,197 5.9
30-34 59,455 71,502 20.3
35-39 51,498 63,008 22.4
40-44 43,030 51,294 19.2
45-49 41,117 44,495 8.2
50-54 36,215 37,871 4.6
55-59 30,595 33,796 10.5
60-64 23,365 27,962 19.7
65-69 16,631 21,464 29.1
70-74 11,738 14,581 24.2
75-79 9,657 10,135 4.9
80 and over 10,973 10,604 (3.4)
Source Philippine Statistics Authority


  • The population pyramid indicates the differences in the number of males and females at older ages by 2021. It is projected that women tend to live longer than men.
  • Moreover, it shows that there will be more males at younger ages and more females at older ages in 2021.
  • Among the projected male population, the working age 15 to 64 years old will share 65.5 percent of the total population in the region. Children below 15 years old composed 29.7 percent while older person (65 years old and over) will compose 4.8 percent of the total population.
  • Among female population, older persons (65 years old and over) will comprise 6.3 percent while children below 15 years old will comprise 29.3 percent of the projected total population in the region. Working age 15 to 64 years old will comprise 64.4 percent of the projected total population.

Figure 3. Age-Sex Pyramid of CAR by 2021