CAR has more than half a million single individuals
- The household population of persons belonging to the age group 10 years old in the region reached 1,354,180 persons as recorded in the 2015 Census of Population.
- Persons with single civil status comprised 46 percent of the region’s household population, that is 625,814 single persons.
Single males outnumber the single females
- There were 343,843 single males, while 281,971 were single females. The number of single males were higher by 22 percent than that of the single females.
- The single males comprised 25% of the household population, which means that there was at least one single male in every four household members in the region.
- Of the total 625,814 singles (for both sexes) in the region, more than half or 55 percent were males.
As age increases, the number of single males decreases
- Half of the total 689,421 population of males in the region belonging to the age group 10 years old and over were single males.
- There were 177,839 single males with ages below 20 years, making up 99 percent of the male household population.
- The age group 20 to 24 years had 70,510 single males, comprising 80 percent of the male household population.
- Within the age group 25 to 29 years, there were 40,461 single males registered, that is 52 percent of the age group of household population.
- The trend of single males decreasing in number as the person gets older was observed in the 2015 census results.
- Cordillera recorded 3,662 single males who were 60 years old and over in 2015.
- Most single males were younger than 20 years old, with 177,839 males.
- In the age group 20 to 59 years old, 162,342 were single males.
Figure 1. Number of Single Males by Age Group, CAR: 2015
Most single males are in Benguet
- The province of Benguet had the highest number of single males in CAR in 2015 with a count of 95,024. Baguio City followed with 65,468 persons. Abra listed third with 44,361 single males. The least number of single males was in Apayao with 22,178 persons.
- The number of single males in CAR varies by province/city. Most single males in Benguet were in the age group 20 to 59 years old, with 49,692 single males. In Baguio City, most single males (34,287 persons) were below 20 years old. Most of the single males in Abra were aged below 20 years old also (24,356 persons).
- As to the number of single male senior citizens, Benguet had the most number with over a thousand of senior single males (1,199 persons). Abra followed with 813 senior single males registered in the province. Mountain Province came third with 423 senior single male citizens. Meanwhile, the province with the least number of single senior citizens was Apayao.
Table 2. Number of Single Males by Age Group and City/Province, CAR: 2015
La Trinidad, Benguet tops municipality with the highest number of single males
- In Benguet, the municipality of La Trinidad had the highest number of single males with 25,839 individuals.
- Itogon placed second for having the greatest number of single males with 12,948 persons.
- All other municipalities of Benguet had less than ten thousand single males.
- Sablan had the least number of single males with 2,488 persons.
Table 3. Number of single males by municipality, Benguet: 2015