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Reference Number: SR 2018 – 08

Institutional population constitutes that part of the total population whose usual place of residence are collective or institutional living quarters (ILQs) such as hotels, motels, lodging houses, and dormitories; hospitals and nurses' homes; welfare institutions; corrective and penal institutions; convents, nunneries, seminaries, and boarding schools; military camps and stations; logging, mining, construction/public works camps; oceangoing and interisland/ coastal vessels; and refugee camps.
Institutional Population Increased by 2.5 thousand
  • As of 1 August 2015, the institutional population of Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) was at 7,786 persons, comprising only 0.45 percent of the region’s 1,722,006 total population.
  • The institutional population based on the POPCEN 2015 was higher by 2,588 persons compared with the 2010 Census of Population and Housing (CPH) count of 5,198 persons.
  • The number of institutions or ILQs increased from 427 in 2010 to 542 in 2015.
Table 1. Number of Institutional Living Quarters (ILQ) and Their
Resident Population, CAR: 2010 and 2015
Census Year Number of Institutions   Institutional Population
Total Male Female
2015 542 7,786 5,152 2,634
2010 427 5,198 3,899 1,299

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority

Two thirds of ILQ residents were males

  • In 2015, 66.2 percent or 5,152 of the institutional population were males. Females comprised only 33.8 percent or a count of 2,634. These figures mean that in 2015 there were two males in every three persons residing in ILQs.
  • The sex ratio of those who stayed in ILQs in CAR is 195.60. This means that in 2015, there were 196 males per 100 females residing in ILQs.
Figure 1. Institutional Population by Sex, CAR: 2015
Institutional Population by Sex
  • Among the institutional population living in the ILQs, males outnumbered females except in hotels, lodging houses, dormitories and others and hospital and nurses’ homes. Men dominated the institutional population in logging, mining and construction/public works camps with 95.8 percent share while women only comprised 4.2 percent. The same trend was seen in military camps (91.1 percent males) and in corrective and penal institutions (88. 8 percent males).
  • Females outnumbered the males in hospitals and nurses’ homes (74.9 percent), and at hotels, lodging houses, dormitories and others (54.7 percent).
Table 2. Institutional Population by Sex: CAR, 2015
Type of Institutional Living Quarter Resident
Both Sexes Male Female
Total 7,786 5,152 2,634
Hotels, lodging houses, dormitories and others 3,145 1,425 1,720
Hospitals and nurses’ homes 23 6 17
Welfare Institutions 285 150 135
Corrective and penal institutions  882 783 99
Convents, nunneries, seminaries, and boarding schools 1,040 610 430
Military camps 1,050 957 93
Logging, mining and construction/public work camps 1,107 1,060 47
Others 254 161 93

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority
Two in every five ILQs was a hotel, lodging house, or dormitory
  • By type of ILQs, hotels, lodging houses, dormitories consistently comprised the largest number among the ILQs in the region in 2000, 2010 and 2015. This type of ILQ accounted for 41.1 percent of the total number of ILQs in CAR in 2015. Convent, nunneries, seminaries and boarding schools came second (24.0 percent), followed by logging, mining and construction/public work camps (17.0 percent).
  • From 2010 to 2015, the biggest increase in the number of ILQs were noted among logging, mining and construction/public work camps with additional 78 ILQs corresponding to an increase of 557.14 percent. Convents, nunneries, seminaries and boarding schools came second with 44 more or an increase of 51.2 percent followed by hotels, lodging houses, dormitories and others with 11.0 percent) increase. On the other hand, the number of hospitals and nurses’ homes decreased by 78.3 percent.
Table 3. Number of Institutional Living Quarters by Type: CAR, 2015, 2010 and 2000
Type of Institutional Living Quarter
Number of Institutional Living Quarters
2015 2010 2000
Total 542 427 336
Hotels, lodging houses, dormitories and others 223 201 155
Hospitals and nurses’ homes 5 23 18
Welfare Institutions 9 10 5
Corrective and penal institutions 11 11 8
Convents, nunneries, seminaries, and boarding schools 130 86 77
Military camps 51 52 51
Logging, mining and construction/public work camps 92 14 2
Others 21 30 20

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority
Two in every five persons resided in hotels, lodging houses and dormitories
  • Among the various types of ILQs, hotels, lodging houses, dormitories and others had the largest number of residents. Manager, staff member/employee, lodgers/boarders in hotel, lodging houses and dormitories comprised 40.4 percent of the total population in 2015.
  • ILQs with the second most number of residents were logging, mining and construction/public work camps (14.2 percent), military camps (13.5 percent) and convents, nunneries, seminaries and boarding schools (13.4 percent).
  • People living in ILQs increased in 2015. Logging, mining and construction/public work camps listed 1,107 persons, an increase of 476.6 percent from 192 persons in 2010. This was followed by hotels, lodging houses, dormitories and other residents with an increase of 116.8 percent, residents in welfare institutions with 88.7 percent. On the other hand, institutional population in military camps and in hospitals and nurses’ homes decreased by 33.9 percent and 11.5 percent, respectively.
Table 4. Number of Residents of Institutional Living Quarters:CAR, 2015 and 2010
Residents of Institutional Living Quarters Number 
2015 2010
Total 7,786 5,198
Hotels, lodging houses, dormitories and others 3,145 1,451
Hospitals and nurses’ homes 23 26
Welfare Institutions 285 151
Corrective and penal institutions 882 727
Convents, nunneries, seminaries, and boarding schools 1,040 880
Military camps 1,050 1,589
Logging, mining and construction/public work camps 1,107 192
Others 254 182

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority
Most of the resident are lodgers and boarders
  • For every three persons living in ILQs, two were lodgers or boarders. The lodger or boader comprised 38.5 percent of the total institutional population. This was followed by staff members/employees including physcians and nurses with 15.9 percent and officers/ enlisted men and trainees at 12.5 percent.
  • The highest increase in institutional population were recorded in wards with 186.2 percent. The population increased from 94 persons in 2010 to 269 persons in 2015. This was followed by staff members/employees including physicians and nurses with 143.9 percent and lodgers and boarders with an increse of 119.0 percent. On the other hand, institutional population of officers/enlisted men and trainees decreased by 31.9 percent. Managers, directors and persons-in-charge also declined by 10.7 percent.
Table 5. Institutional Population by Residence Status:CAR, 2010 and 2015
Residence Status Number 
2015 2010
Total 7,786 5,198
Manager, director and person-in-charge 241 270
Staff member/employee including physician and nurse 1,239 508
Officer/enlisted man and trainee 976 1,433
Priest, seminarian and nun 527 368
Lodger or boarder 2,996 1,368
Patient (hospital, sanitarium and others) 6 3
Ward (home for the aged orphanage welfare institution 269 94
Prisoner/detainee 879 701
Others 653 453

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority
Table 6. Average number of residents per ILQ:CAR, 2015
Type of Institutional Living Quarter 2015 
Number of Institution
Institutional Population
Average Number of
Person per ILQ
Total 542 7,786 14
Hotels, lodging houses, dormitories and others 223 3,145 14
Hospitals and nurses’ homes 5 23 5
Welfare institutions 9 285 32
Corrective and penal institutions 11 882 80
Convents, nunneries, seminaries, and boarding schools 130 1,040 8
Military camps 51 1,050 21
Logging, mining and construction/public work camps 92 1,107 12
Others 21 254 12
  • There were 542 institutions in the region in 2015 with an aggregate population of 7,786 persons. The average institutional population was 14 persons per institution.
  • By type of ILQ, corrective and penal institutions registered the highest number of residents with an average of 80 persons per institution. This was followed by the welfare institutions with an average of 32 persons and military camps with an average of 21 persons.

Technical Notes

Institutional living quarter - The place of abode of an institutional population is not called a housing unit but is referred to as an institutional living quarter (ILQ). An ILQ is a structurally separate and independent place of abode intended for habitation by large groups of individuals (10 persons or more). Each quarter usually has certain common facilities, such as kitchen and dining rooms, toilet and bath, and lounging areas, which are shared by the occupants.
Institutional population - Comprises of persons who are found living in ILQs. They may have their own families or households elsewhere but at the time of census, they are committed or confined in institutions. In ILQs, they are usually subject to a common authority or management, or are bound by either a common public objective or personal interest.
Residence Status - Refers to the residence position or status of a person in the ILQ.
"The 2015 Census of Population (POPCEN 2015) was undertaken by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) in August 2015 as mandated by Republic Act No. 10625, otherwise known as the Philippine Statistics Act of 2013. It was the 14th census of population that was undertaken since the first census in 1903. POPCEN 2015 was designed to take an inventory of the total population all over the Philippines and collect information about their characteristics. Census day for the POPCEN 2015 was August 1, 2015 (12:01 a.m.). POPCEN 2015 made use of the de jure concept of enumeration wherein households and persons are enumerated in the area where they usually reside as of the census reference date. Enumeration lasted for about 25 days from 10 August to 6 September 2015. Enumeration was extended until 15 September 2015 for large provinces and some highly urbanized cities."
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