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Production and Inventory of Poultry in CAR January-December 2019

Release Date:
Reference Number: SR 2020-34


  • Poultry production includes chicken, duck, chicken egg and duck egg production.
  • From 2015 to 2019, highest poultry production was reported in 2015 at 12,923 metric tons (Figure 1) while the lowest was in 2019 at 12,137 metric tons.
  • Total poultry production went down in 2019 as compared to 2018 (Figure 1) which was largely attributed to the decrease in broiler production due to shifting to layer farm operation of two large broiler farms in Ifugao.
Figure 1. Total Poultry Production (MT), CAR:
January-December 2015-2019
  • In 2019, only chicken posted a decrease in production among the poultry sub-sectors. Duck, chicken egg and duck egg displayed a positive trend (Table 1 and Figure 2).
Table 1. Volume of Poultry Production (MT), by Commodity and by Province, CAR:
January-December 2018-2019
Region/Province Chicken Duck Chiken Egg Duck Egg
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
CAR 7,278 6,622 759 804 3,396 4,072 634 639
Abra 618 623 11 9 333 328 37 38
Apayao 687 732 89 73 117 160 69 74
Benguet 1,031 1,025 13 11 969 963 17 17
Ifugao 4,125 3,457 398 457 1,674 1,779 267 254
Kalinga 343 436 221 231 385 402 232 245
Mountain Province 384 350 27 23 458 440 12 11
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority
Figure 2. Volume of Poultry Production (MT) , by
Commod i t y CAR: 2 0 1 8 -2 01 9
Figure 3. Percent Distribution of Poultry Production by Commodity,
CAR: 2019
  • Of the total poultry production, 55 percent came from chicken production, 33 percent from chicken egg and the remaining 12 percent from duck and duck egg (Figure 3).



  • As of January 1, 2020, the total chicken inventory in the region was estimated at 1,563,123 birds, a decline of 17.9 percent compared with the same reference period in 2019.
  • Among the provinces of CAR, the highest inventory of chicken was recorded in Ifugao with 497,783 birds (Table 2) or 32 percent of the total chicken inventory in the region (Figure 4). It also displayed the biggest decrease at 37.8 percent.
Table 2. Chicken Inventory (No. of Birds) by Province, CAR:
As of January 1, 2019 and 2020
Region Chicken % Change
2019 2020
CAR 1,903,464 1,563,123 (17.9)
Abra 258,927 240,098 (7.3)
Apayao 166,658 191,800 15.1
Benguet 222,313 213,162 (4.1)
Ifugao 800,670 497,783 (37.8
Kalinga 268,619 235,940 (12.2)
Mountain Province 186,277 184,340 (1.0)
Figure 4. Percent Distribution of Total Chicken Inventory by
Province, CAR: As of January 1, 2020
  • As of January 1, 2020, the total duck inventory in the region was estimated at 301,724 birds, a minimal increase of 0.1 percent compared with same reference period in 2019.
  • Among the provinces of CAR, the highest inventory of duck was recorded in Ifugao with 132,397 birds (Table 3) or 44 percent of the total duck population in the region (Figure 5). This was followed by Kalinga with 118,916 birds or an equivalent of 39 percent share to the total.
Table 3. Duck Inventory (No. of Birds) by Province, CAR:
As of January 1, 2019 & 2020
Region Duck % Change
2019 2020
CAR 301,335 301,724 0.1
Abra 5,340 5,500 3.0
Apayao 26,526 32,150 21.2
Benguet 5,534 5,592 1.0
Ifugao 134,081 132,397 (1.3)
Kalinga 123,181 118,916 (3.5)
Mountain Province 6,673 7,169 7.4
Source: Philippine Statistics Auhority


Figure 5. Percent Distribution of Duck Inventory by
Province, CAR: As of January 1, 2019 & 2020