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Reference Number: PSA-Beng-21CAR11-003
The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) - Benguet will be undertaking the July 2021 Labor Force Survey (LFS) together with the first of the two (2) rounds of the 2021 Family Income and Expenditure Survey (FIES) on 08 to 31 July 2021. The LFS is a nationwide quarterly survey of households conducted by the PSA to gather data on the demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the population. It is aimed to provide a quantitative framework for the preparation of plans and formulation of policies affecting the labor market. The LFS round will be used to quantify the continuing effect of the pandemic crisis on labor and employment in the country.
The Family Income and Expenditure Survey (FIES) is a survey on family income and expenditure of households undertaken by the PSA across the country. It is the main source on data on family income and expenditure in the Philippines. The FIES aims to accomplish the following objectives:
  1. To gather data on family income, sources of income, family expenditure and related information, affecting family income and expenditure levels and patterns in the Philippines;
  2. To determine the income distribution, levels of living and spending patterns, and the degree of inequality among families;
  3. To provide benchmark information to update the weights used in the estimation of Consumer Price Index (CPI); and
  4. To provide inputs in the estimation of the country’s poverty threshold and incidence.
The first round of the FIES will gather data on income and expenditure of families for the first semester, 01 January to 30 June 2021 while the second round in January 2022 will gather data for the period July 1 to December 31, 2021. This year, the PSA introduced the use of Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) application using tablet as a method of data collection during field operation. Further, the 2020 Philippine Classification of Individual Consumption According to Purpose (PCOICOP) will be adopted in classifying the expenditure items of the family for this survey round. Minimum public health, safety standards for the containment of COVID-19 will be strictly observed during all phases of the field operations.
A total of two hundred twenty four (224) Enumeration Areas with 3,017 sample households (1,568 and 1,539 in Baguio City and Benguet, respectively) will be enumerated for this survey round. In this round of survey, an integrated Computer Aided Data Collection System (CADaCs) will be employed for the July 2021 LFS and 2021 Visit 1 FIES.
Relative to this, PSA-Benguet encourages everyone, especially the selected sample households, to please support and cooperate in the conduct of the said statistical activity. Under Section 26 of Republic Act 10625, the household supplied information will be held strictly confidential and the report cannot be used for purposes of taxation, investigation or enforcement procedure, nor will be published except in the form of statistical summaries in which no reference to any individual person shall appear. Once again, the office would like to extend its utmost gratitude for the unending support of the public to all the different surveys and censuses undertaken by the office.


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