Number of Registered Deaths in Mountain Province is Decreasing
Based on the result of the tabulation from the Decentralized Vital Statistics System (DVSS) of the Philippine Statistics Authority, registered deaths in Mountain Province reached 227 in the 4th quarter of 2022. This was 35.88 percent lower than the recorded deaths in the same quarter last year at 354. In the same quarter of 2020, the figure was at 248.
About One in Every Three Deaths in the Province is Registered in Bauko
According to records by municipality, Bauko recorded the highest number of deaths in the 4th quarter at 77 deaths or 33.92 percent of the total deaths listed in the province. This means that about 1 in every 3 deaths in Mountain Province was recorded in this municipality. This was followed by Bontoc at 38 deaths or 16.74 percent of the total and Paracelis at 27 deaths or 11.89 percent. Barlig registered the least number at just 6 deaths.
In the same quarter of 2021, Bauko still listed the highest number of deaths while Barlig and Sadanga registered the least.
More Male Deaths are Recorded in the Province
About Four in Every Ten Male Deaths are Registered in Bauko
Almost All Deaths are Registered Timely
According to registration status, 95.59 percent of all the registered deaths in the province for the 4th quarter were registered timely. Death records in Barlig, Bauko, Besao, Natonin, Sabangan, and Tadian were all registered timely.
The highest number of late registrations was recorded in Paracelis.
Female Deaths Have a Higher Proportion in Terms of Late Registration
About Five in Every Ten Deaths are Married
According to marital status of the dead, 104 or 45.81 percent were married; 26.87 percent were widow/ widower; and 27.31 percent were single. A different trend was seen in Bontoc. Of the total deaths recorded in this municipality, 39.47 percent were single; 36.84 percent were married and the remaining percentage were widower/ widow.
For the municipality of Sadanga, 50 percent of its death were widower/ widow; 30 percent were single; and 20 percent were married.
According to sex, about 6 in every 10 male deaths were married.
For female deaths, about 5 in every 10 deaths were widow/ widower and the highest number was registered in Bauko.
About Three in Every One Hundred Deaths in the Province are Less than 1 Year Old
Of the total registered deaths in the province for the 4th quarter, 6 or 2.64 percent were less than 1 year old. This is 0.23 percent lower than the recorded deaths of less than 1-year old babies in the same quarter of 2021. According to registration status of these baby deaths, all were registered timely.
About Two in Every Ten Deaths are aged 81 Years old and Over
According to age group, most of the deaths in the 4th quarter were from age group 81 years old and over at 49 deaths or 21.59 percent of the total deaths in the province. This was followed by age groups 71 to 75 years and 61- 65 years at 10.57 percent each.
Of the deceased aged 81 years old and over whose death certificates were registered in the 4th quarter; 55.10 percent were females.
In the same quarter of 2021, the highest number of deaths were still recorded by age group 81 years old and over at 90 deaths.
About Six in Every Ten Deaths Occur at Home
According to place type, majority of the deaths in the 4th quarter occurred at home with 146 deaths or 64.32 percent of the total. This was higher by 2.74 percent compared to the deaths that happened at home in the same quarter last year.
Bauko was the highest contributor of deaths that occurred at home with 17.81 percent followed by Bontoc and Tadian at 16.44 percent each. All deaths in the municipalities of Sabangan, Sadanga, and Tadian happened at home.
By sex, 54.79 percent of the deaths that occurred at home were males while 45.21 percent were females.
About One in Every Three Deaths is Attended by Hospital Authority
Of the registered deaths in the 4th quarter of 2022, 76 or 33.48 percent were attended by hospital authority. Majority of which were registered in Bauko and only 6 municipalities in the province have deaths who were attended by hospital authority.