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23CAR44- 201

Bauko Registers 158 Teenage Mothers

Of the total registered births in Bauko in 2022, 158 births or 8.17 percent of the total were teenage mothers. This figure was higher compared to the total teenage moms listed in this municipality during the previous year at 88 teenage mothers.
In addition, the youngest mother who gave birth in Bauko this year was 13 years old. In 2021, the youngest mother registered in this municipality was 14 years old and in 2020, the youngest mom was another 14 years old.
According to birth order, the youngest mom who bore her 2nd child in 2022 was 17 years old; for her 3rd child was 18 years old while the youngest woman who already bore her 4th child was 20 years old.
In 2021, the youngest who gave birth to her 2nd child and was registered in this municipality was 16 years old and the youngest who bore her 3rd child was 18 years old.

About Five in Every Ten Births in Mountain Province are Registered in Bauko

The municipality of Bauko registered a total of 1,935 births in 2022. It has 47.46 percent share to the total births listed in the province at 4,077 births.

The highest number of births was registered in December with 207 or 10.70 percent share to the total number of births registered in this municipality. This means that about 1 in every 10 births in Bauko in 2022 was registered in December.

February has the least number of births at just 115 births.

Males Outnumbered Females in Terms of Registered Births

According to sex, it was noted that there were more males than females who were born in Bauko in 2022 at 985 births. This was 3.68 percent higher than the female births at 950.

The difference of male births to their female counterparts during the months of February and September contributed to the higher number of male births in the municipality. There were 15 more males than females in September while there were 13 more boys than girls in March.
In the years 2019 to 2021, there were still more males than females that were registered in the municipality.

Almost All Births in Bauko are Registered Timely

Of the 1,935 registered births in Bauko in 2022, 1,859 births or 96.07 percent were registered timely. This means that almost all births in the municipality were registered timely. The number of late registrations were at 76 births.
By sex, late registration among males were higher than females. 95.74 percent of the total male births in the municipality were registered timely while 96.42 percent of all female births were registered timely.

About Three in Every Ten Births are Illegitimate

Of the 1935 births registered in Bauko in 2022, 601 births or 31.06 percent were illegitimate. This means that about 3 in every 10 babies registered in the municipality in 2022 were born out of wedlock.

Categorizing by sex, illegitimate births were slightly higher among male than female babies. 31.07 percent of the male births were illegitimate. In comparison, 31.05 percent of all female births were also born to unmarried parents.

About Three in Every Ten Births are First Born Babies

According to birth order, 30.54 percent of the registered births in Bauko during the year were first born children. This translates to about 3 in every 10 births in the municipality were first born babies. In addition, 28.42 percent were 2nd born and 21.86 percent were third born babies. The mother with the highest number of children who gave birth this year bore her 10th child.

Almost All Births are Attended by a Physician

Of the total births registered in the municipality, 94.88 percent were attended by physicians; 0.78 percent were attended by midwives; 0.47 percent were attended by nurses and the remaining percentages were either attended by hilot/ unlicensed midwives or others.

For male births, 94.92 percent were attended by physicians; while 3.25 percent were attended by others. For female births, 94.84 percent were attended by physicians while 3.68 percent were attended by others.

One in Every Four Mothers Who Gave Birth is 25 to 29 Years Old

Of the total women who gave birth in 2022, 25.83 percent were under the age group 25 to 29 years old. This was followed by age group 30 to 34 years old at 21.36 percent and age group 20 to 24 years old at 21.12 percent of the total.

According to single year, the highest number of mothers who gave birth this year was aged 25 years old at 242 births. This means that about 1 in every 10 women who gave in Bauko in 2022 was aged 25 years old.

The oldest mother who bore a child this year was 49 years old.


Live Birth- the complete expulsion or extraction of a product of conception from its mother, irrespective of the duration of pregnancy, which after such separation, breathes or shows any other evidence of life, such as beating of the heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord, or definite movement of voluntary muscles, whether the umbilical cord has been cut off or the placenta is still attached.




Chief Statistical Specialist



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