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SR 2022-17

Table 1. Major and Priority Vegetables Production by Province, CAR: CY 2021

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority

  • The vegetables production of the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) decreased by -4.17% from 366,314.56 MT in 2020 to 351,030.97 MT in 2021. Most of the provinces registered a negative performance while only the province of Kalinga improved production (Table 1).


Table 2. Distribution of Total Vegetables Production by Province, CAR: CY 2021

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority

  • Out of the 2021 total regional production of 351,030.97 MT, 230,406.64 MT (65.64%) came from priority vegetables and 120,624.33 MT (34.36%) came from major vegetables production (Table 2).
  • Benguet was the top producer with 292,535.11 MT accounting a lion’s share of 83.34% of the total regional vegetables production. Mountain Province distantly came second with 9.25% share, followed by Apayao with 3.95%, Abra with 1.64%, and Ifugao with 1.48% share respectively (Figure 1).
  • Kalinga contributed the smallest share in the total vegetables production of the region with an output of 1,174.56 MT comprising 0.33% of the total vegetables production in the Cordillera (Table 2).


Figure 1. Percentage Distribution of Total Fruits
Production in CAR, CY 2021
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority
  • These commodities include Mongo, Ampalaya, Cabbage, Eggplant, Tomato, Potato, Camote and Cassava (Food and Industrial Use).
  • Cordillera major vegetables output during the Calendar Year of 2021 was 120,624.33 MT, comprising 34.36 % of the total vegetables production in the region (Table 3).

Table 3. Major Fruits Production by Province, CAR: CY 2021

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority

  • In 2021, CAR total vegetables production registered a 351,030.97 MT with an estimated area harvested of 8,591.90 hectares. Priority vegetables dominated the region’s production accounting for 65.64% of the total fruits production (Table 4).
  • Benguet province posted the highest vegetables production with 292,535.11 MT from an area harvested of 6,249.00 hectares. Mt. Province came second with 32,465.76 MT with an area harvested of 690.30 hectares while Kalinga had the least production in the region with only 1,174.56 MT and an area harvested of 152.99 hectares (Table 4).


Figure 3. Percentage Distribution of Priority Fruits
Production in CAR, CY 2021
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority
  • These commodities include Habitchuelas, Banana blossom, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Kangkong, Lettuce, Pechay (Chinese and Native), Ampalaya Fruit, Stringbeans, Gourd, Okra, Squash Fruit, Ginger, Pepper (Bell and Finger), Carrots, Gabi, Radish and White/Irish Potato.
  • In terms of percentage distribution in priority fruits production in the region, Benguet contributed 88.68%. Mt. Province came second with 7.38% share. The other provinces and their shares to total priority vegetables production were: Abra with 1.70%; Ifugao with 1.30%; and Apayao with 0.61%. Kalinga province had the smallest share of 0.34% (Figure 4).



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