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SSR 2023-06


A.    Lifetime Migration

Lifetime migrants in CAR higher than national

Lifetime migrants are individuals whose current residence (city/municipality) is different from the usual place of residence (city/municipality) of their mother at the time of their birth. On the other hand, non-migrants are individuals whose current residence (city/municipality) is the same as the usual place of residence (city/municipality) of their mother at the time of their birth.

Of the 1,632,709 household population aged five years old and over in the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR), 524,814 individuals were lifetime migrants. This was equivalent to 32.1 percent that was 1.5 percentage points higher than the national with 30.6 percent. Meanwhile, the remaining 1,106,725 individuals (67.8 percent) were non-migrants and 1,170 individuals (0.01 percent) were not reported.

By ratio, lifetime migrants in the country recorded about three in every ten individuals aged five years old and over. Meanwhile, about one in every three individuals aged five years old and over in the region were lifetime migrants. 



Majority of household population aged five years old and over migrated from different provinces

Of the 524,814 lifetime migrants in the region, 338,324 individuals migrated from different provinces in 2020. This was equivalent to 64.5 percent of the total lifetime migrants which was 7.4 percentage points lower than the national with 71.9 percent. Moreover, 182,640 individuals (34.8 percent) migrated from different city/municipality but within the same province. This was 7.3 percentage points higher than the recorded 27.5 percent in the national.

On the other hand, 3,850 individuals migrated from foreign country. This was equivalent to 0.7 percent of the total lifetime migrants in the region.


  1. Past Five-Year Migration

94.4% of household population aged five years old and over are non-movers

About 94.4 percent (1,541,155 individuals) of the household population aged five years old and over in the region were non-movers or those individuals whose city/municipality of residence in May 2020 was the same five years ago (2015). The remaining 5.6 percent (90,618 individuals) of the household population aged five years old and over in the region were movers or those individuals whose city/municipality of residence in May 2020 was different from their city/municipality five years ago (May 2015). This was 1.2 percentage points higher than the national with 4.4 percent. Meanwhile, about 0.1 percent (936 individuals) in the region have not reported their place of residence five years ago.

By type of movers, majority were domestic long distance movers or those individuals whose province of residence in May 2020 is different from province of residence in May 2015 with 50,450 individuals (3.1 percent). This was followed by domestic short distance movers and immigrants with 33,085 individuals (2.0 percent) and 7,083 individuals (0.4 percent), respectively. Domestic short distance movers are individuals whose city/municipality of residence in May 2020 is different from the city/municipality of residence in May 2015 while immigrants are individuals residing in the Philippines in May 2020, but were residing in a foreign country in May 2015.


6 in 10 household population aged five years old and over are domestic long distance movers

Of the total number of movers in the region, about six in every ten household population aged five years old and over were domestic long distance movers. Moreover, about four in every ten household population aged five years old and over were domestic short distance movers. Meanwhile, about one in every ten household population aged five years old and over in the region were immigrants.




Regional Director



Household is a social unit consisting of person or a group of persons who sleep in the same housing unit and have a common arrangement in the preparation and consumption of food.

Household population refers to all persons who are members of the household.

Sex is the biological and physiological reality of being a male or female.

Age refers to interval of time between the person’s date of birth and his/her last birthday prior to the census reference date. It is expressed in completed years or whole number.

Residence 5 years ago pertains to the city/municipality where a person was residing 5 years ago or on 01 May 2015.

Non-movers are persons whose city/municipality of residence as of the census date, that is, 01 May 2020, is the same as their city/municipality of residence five years ago prior to the census, that is, 01 May 2015.

Movers are persons whose city/municipality of residence in May 2020 is different from their city/municipality of residence in May 2015.

Long-distance movers are persons who, in May 2020, resided in a province which is different from the province where they were residing in May 2015.

Short-distance movers are persons who, in May 2020, were residing in a province which is the same as where they resided in May 2015, but in a different city/municipality.

Immigrants refer to persons who were residing in the Philippines during the census, that is 01 May 2020, but were residing in a foreign country in 2015.

Migrant refers to person who moves from one place to another, especially in order to find work or better living conditions.

Lifetime migrants refers to individuals who reside in an administrative entity other than his or her place of birth.

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