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SR 2021-11
The Census of Philippine Business and Industry (CPBI) is one of the national censuses being conducted by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) per RA 10625 and a designated statistical activity as per EO No. 352, series of 1996. Moreover, this census is undertaken every six years and aims to collect and generate information on the levels, structure, performance, and trends of economic activities of the formal sector of the economy for the reference year. The 2018 CPBI is the 16th of the series of economic censuses in the country and the results will serve as benchmark information for the over-all revision and rebasing to 2018 of the National Accounts. The unit of enumeration for the 2018 CPBI is the establishment.

A. Number of Establishments of Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation (AER) Activities

Figure 1. Number of AER Establishments in Philippines and CAR: 2012 and 2018
  • In 2018, the number of AER establishments in the Philippines reached 4,087. This was an increase of 34.2 percent from the recorded 3,046 related establishments in 2012.
  • In the Cordillera region, a total of 164 establishments were classified as arts, entertainment, and recreation establishments in 2018. This exposed a large percentage increase at 556.0 percent from 2012 with a record of 25 establishments only.

Gambling and betting activities in CAR shares 42.1%

  • The recorded 164 AER establishments in CAR belonged to only four (4) industry groups. These industry groups or activities were (1) libraries, archives, museums and other cultural activities, (2) gambling and betting activities, (3) sports activities, and (4) other amusement and recreation activities. Other amusement and recreation activities include the activities of a wide range of units that operate facilities or provide services to meet the varied recreational interests of their patrons, including the operation of a variety of attractions such as mechanical rides, water rides, games, shows, theme exhibits, and picnic grounds.
  • Out of the 164 AER establishments, most of them were considered as gambling and betting activities at 42.1 percent or 69 establishments. This was followed by the other amusement and recreation activities with 39.6 percent, and the sports activities with 25 establishments or 15.2 percent.
Figure 2. Number of AER Establishments by Industry Groups in CAR: 2018

B. Number of Employees in the Establishments of AER Activities

Table 1. Number of Employees by Industry Groups in CAR: 2018

  • In 2018, the total employees of AER establishments in the Cordillera region increased by 421.8 percent from 2012. Moreover, the preliminary results showed that there were more male employees than female employees with a total of 596 males and 505 females.
  • Only 6.4 percent or 70 employees were classified as unpaid employees or those individuals who worked without pay in their own family-operated farm or business. Among these unpaid employees, the number of female employees was higher than the male employees with totals of 47 and 23, respectively.
  • There were more male paid employees with a total of 573 males than female paid employees with a total of 458 females.
  • Establishments considered as other amusement and recreation activities had the highest number of employees with 618 employees followed by the establishments for sports activities with 293 employemployees and gambling and betting activities establishments with 145 employees.

C. Total Revenue of the Industry Groups under the Establishments of AER Activities

Figure 3. Total Revenue of Industry Groups under AER Activities in CAR: 2018

  • The total revenue or profit of AER activities establishments in the Cordillera region in 2018 reached 1.2 billion pesos. This showed about 3 times more than the total revenue in 2012 with 369 million pesos, an increase of 235.5 percent.
  • The establishments classified as other amusement and recreation activities gained the most with 589 million pesos or an increase of 47.5 percent. This was followed by the gambling and betting activities establishments with 388 million pesos (31.3 percent) and sports activities establishments with 214 million pesos (17.3 percent).

Table 2. Expenses of AER Establishments Spent by Industry Group in CAR: 2018

  • The AER activities establishments in the Cordillera region spent a total of 952.8 million pesos in 2018. This was a 199.3 percent increase from the recorded expenses of these establishments of 318.4 million pesos in 2012.
  • The total expenses were classified into two categories: compensation to paid workers or employees and other expenses. Out of 952.8 million pesos expenses of AER activities establishments in 2018 in CAR, only 17.7 percent (168.8 million pesos) was spent to compensate the 1,031 paid employees and 82.3 percent (784.0 million pesos) was spent for other expenses. The expenses for compensation to paid employees increased by 6.4 percent while other expenses decreased by 93.6 percent from 2012.
  • The establishments classified as other amusement and recreation activities had the highest record of expenditure with 520.5 million pesos or 54.6 percent share. This was followed by the gambling and betting activities establishments with 267.5 million pesos (28.1 percent) and the sports activities establishments with 146.5 million pesos (15.4 percent).